We're not mad at the TW weekly ilvl bug. We're mad that you refuse to fix it

Season week 1 bugs like this are particularly bad because you need every opportunity you can to get Tier gear or at least gear that can be catalyzed when the catalyst opens. It’s probably why most people were doign the TW weekly this week.

This has come up before. Many times. 10.2.5 briefly had the Emerald Dream weeklies give blue gear instead of Veteran gear. This was annoying and thsoe affected were never compensated but it’s midseason so it wasn’t that big a deal.

But to stuff this up in week 1 of the season? That’s so bad. But it would be fine if you could fix it, Blizzard. Unfortunately you refuse to.

Long ago you shouldn’t stored the source of an item so when this does happen you could just run a script to fix the ilvl. That’s bare minimum. We don’t want perfection. We just want you to be able to fix YOUR mistakes.


Catalyst is open already, but it’s not converting the gear from the weekly anyway.
I’m agree with the other sentiments. Not hearing a peep from the devs about this is certainly annoying to players.

It’s almost like bugs take time to be fixed… :thinking:

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They’re probably reticent since they’re unlikely to reimburse people affected by the bug which will just anger them further.

Shame on me for not considering past precedent; won’t be doing anything early from now on.

Which is why I don’t do these quests day one anymore. I’ve gotten screwed before out of a Timewalking box. I know better now.

Also: it has been hotfixed now.

Dont think its fixed yet. I faced the same issue few minutes back

Sure, but acknowledging the bug, saying they are working on it, and explaining what their plan is would go a loooooooooooong way.

Radio silence while people continue to turn in the quest and get the wrong reward is the worst possible option.

Literally, the only thing we have about it is a WoWHead article that incorrectly says the problem has been fixed.


Well that’s frustrating. People were talking last night about the pieces they received from the box after it was hotfixed.

I wonder if they tried to hotfix the gear not working in the Catalyst and broke it again. :expressionless:

Do what I do: announce it in Trade and General chat every so often and alert your friends and guildies to pass it on. We can’t get to everyone, but we can at least save some.

It’s been less than twenty-four hours. People are so impatient…

You’re right. It’s silly for us to expect Blizzard to take 20 seconds to make a blue post on the forums or X or wherever so that people know not to turn the quest in. The aggregate sites would even do the rest of the work for them by helping them spread the news.

We have very different expectations.


Why do people feel the need to apologize and make excuses for Blizzard?

This problem was reported within 2 hours of the servers coming up because some did the quest immediately. At that point you don’t need to make a blue post or push a fix. But you can disable the quest hand-in until it is fixed to limit further damage. This would even make it easier to compensate those affected because there’d be less of us.

As I said at the top: we don’t expect perfection. We expect them to fix their mistakes. That’s not so much to ask.


Fixing the bug for future TW weeks is fixing their mistake tho. That’s about all we can expect to come from this. They’re very unlikely to reimburse players who got shafted upon opening their chests.

Hopefully they can fully fix this later today, as players have kept reporting improper loot from the chest after their supposed hotfix.

What’d be nice is if they actually fixed the problem this time, rather than just an effect of that problem. They keep choosing to hotfix the quest reward every season to give the proper rewards, instead of just fixing whatever’s broken that causes these quests to give the wrong rewards in the first place. Are they completely oblivious to the pattern here?

The radio silence could be taken 1000 different ways , my guess is they are embarrassed and do not want to admit they messed up or they just don’t know how to fix it yet.

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  • Mythic 0 giving easier gear than intended: FIXED QUICK
  • Quest giving much lower gear than intended: we’ll get to it. maybe. next time.

Blizz really cares little for these kinds of player satisfaction fixes. Always deprioritized until there’s another scandal. It was really interesting in 9.1.5 how many long term issues they went back to fix as if they had a list of player complaints that they ignored for years until they needed goodwill.

Why isn’t there a goodwill team that focuses on issues like this year round?

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The existence of Kekmor means there is a Burless.

I know, people are so impatient when waiting for an entire day for a fix to a quest that last 7 days. The nerve of players expecting to get what they were told they would get!

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I dont see the people (me included) getting reimbursed, but if Blizzard wanted to make this right, they need to let us do the quest again, thats not so hard to ask for, versus generating a specific piece of loot for all of us, or generating the chest again.

It converted the shoulders I got from TWing into tier.