We're getting $2000

No indicating that the US has some unhealthy views and trends

there is 1 plausible senario where they agree to pass the 2k as a early passing of the 1200 that Biden wanted to add. (here, we did more, should be good for the year)
or something like that

Odd way to spell “zero”, but you do you.

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Still isn’t passed.

You’re talking about the guy who waited until millions had their benefits end before signing the bill, yes?


It hasn’t even been voted on in the Senate. Mitch refuses to commit to even having them vote on it. Even when it’s been brought up multiple times. The thing is, he keeps his job no matter what because Kentucky is solidly Red and also terribly uneducated, and the $600 version is already passed and signed and is what will go out if he just sits on the vote for increasing it to $2000.

Tbh I kind of hope he continues to sit on it. The stimulus payment isn’t meant to be relief. That’s the increased Unemployment benefits. And this whole “Republicans are refusing to increase aid” thing is hurting the senators running for reelection in Georgia, even if they themselves have said they’d support it. Getting the senate away from Mitch specifically (if not Republicans as a whole) is important enough to delay this IMO.


This too lmao - I mean I guess if we want to get technical there is a small sliver of a chance? Don’t bet on it :x

[citation needed]


phone rings
Bonjour, monseuir bogdanoff.
Bogdanoff - “Ze steemulus has been prepared for 2,000 dollars? Domp eet, garnish zere wages, no one shall get ze tax return zis year.”

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I need that $2000. I already wrote my senator to tell that that $600 is offensive and not nearly enough to buy a PS5 off of ebay.


Yup, while I may be critical of a lot of things that the provincial and federal government here did during the Pandemic they fasttracked $2k per month for those that lost their livelihood quickly. I was lucky in that I’ve been working from home for over a decade.

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Fiat currency is imaginary. Money as a representation of value is a real basic economic principle.

Some people get way too clever by half and think they’ve been red-pilled into realizing the laws of economics somehow don’t apply anymore.

They do. And always will.

What’s the cut off for not being able to receive it? I forget.

$75K AGI is for the full amount and then rated down to nothing at $86K AGI.

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75K or less receive it,.

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Nope, McConnell blocked it from floor vote about hour ago

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Then I shall not be receiving it. Honestly I wish I was so I can just donate it.

[Citation has been Censored and or Deleted]

*[Redacted response]*

I think that is wishful thinking.

Schumer has already begun shutting down fundraising in Georgia because they are getting outspent so heavily.
I hope i am wrong.

You can also make a withdrawl and donate like 3 bills to me my man.