We're DH's accepted back into blood eleven society?

Depends on the DH.

On one hand their transformation may have dulled their senses to the hedonistic life-style of the mana starved blood elves and find little joy in it and scoff them for their behaviour.

On the other hand their transformation could allow them to experience far more extreme sensations as I’d wager having demonic wards would fiercely strengthen their resilience to…over-indulgence.

But I think given their bizarre, scaly skin condition and the fact that there might be more than one living thing sharing their bodies with them I’d say a DH would have a tough time slipping back into Blood-elf society.

While I agree with most people on this thread, there’s also the inherent volatility of Demon Hunters.

The Blood Elves really wouldn't have an issue with demon hunters, in general.

Though, my warlock (hi, I’m falothorin and I’m an elf addict) was constantly getting hell for sauntering around with his demon out, so… It was actually pretty fun to RP the inconsistencies in Belf RPer society.

However, the one thing that might give anyone in Silvermoon pause, with regards to Demon Hunters, is how volatile they are. The fact that they’re constantly struggling and fighting against the demands of their demon(s). It’s not really addressed too much in RP, but in Legion’s story, we saw demon hunters lose the fight with their demon.

So, if a blood elf saw a demon hunter, they might have the thought of, “I’m really impressed with how potent that timebomb is! I don’t want to be around when it inevitably explodes.”


Like I said, Demon Hunters make terrible party guests, and if you can’t fit into the party scene, you really can’t fit into Silvermoon City.


Didn’t Before the Storm or some other Golden novel state that elves became a lot more serious after Arthas?

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Agreed. Demon Hunter’s blood type might as well be zero chill. But I can see Belves being okay with them so long as they stopped laser beaming stuff at dinner parties.

The Nelves on the otherhand I’m more curious about. Even if the Nelves were accepting of them - would the DHs want to come back? It’s the Wardens that imprison them and only free them from an eternal prison when they really needed their help. I don’t know how cool I’d be with people that intended to imprison me forever without trial. At any rate when I get around to my Nelf DH I’m definitely giving him some Snake Pliskin vibes over the ordeal. Granted I’ve not gotten terribly far so maybe the Wardens send you a fruitbasket with a heartfelt apology letter which really is the least they could do.

Nah. There’s no fruit basket. Just a “alright, get to work”.

Most of the time, demon hunters typically RP as having given everything for their people. Self-imposed exile. So, they expect disdain, but don’t always return it.

That doesn’t necessarily hold true for Wardens though lol

I’m just saying I think they’d be well within their rights to pull a Rambo 2.


Fairly sure Lorthamar offered the surviving Sunfury and Dawnfury amnesty and even offered to let the first group of exiles return, so I don’t see why the same wouldn’t apply to our Illidari considering at the time they were being held against their will by Maiev.

From a Demon Hunter perspective I think they would like this as well since the reason they joined Kael and then volunteered was to protect/avenge Quel’thalas. Further having access to Rommath and the magisters to help them invent new/better warding runes would be useful. Let alone being close to the Sun Well would let Muru use her presence to help them keep their demon side in check. Finally lets not forget the perk of being a safe haven where Maiev and the wardens aren’t welcome should they change their mind on letting Demon Hunters free.

Rule wise I’m guessing it would pretty much be similar restrictions as warlocks, don’t use fel powers or metamorph in public.


Sunfury yes. Dawnfury aren’t a thing as far as I can see.

He also didn’t offer the high elves to return, he offered them more supplies to make their exile easier.

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Guess I meant Firewing, but it doesn’t change anything about my original point that if Lorthamar was offering Kael’s followers amnesty there is no reason this wouldn’t be extended to Demon Hunters.

Also yes Lorthamar was trying to bring the exiled elves back into the fold and the Lodges were Farstrider holdings to begin with meaning if they hadn’t rebuked him they were on the road to reconciliation. Likewise the now Ren’dorei would have been welcomed back if they had just given up researching the thing that could destroy our Sun Well.

I don’t think the Firewing returned, though that’d be cool as I liked the Firewing name.

Oh no doubt.

They may have been his long term goal, but assuming we’re both talking about In the Shadow of the Sun, Lor’themar was only offering them resources and Hawkspear spurned them, he wasn’t offering them a return.

I don’t think DH had or would have any issue being accepted back in Silvermoon. The Belves basically live upon a loaded gun yes, but fortunately that loaded gun isn’t triggered by fel but by void instead.

Damn, now I’ll forever link the lyrics of LK “The Catalyst” with the Belves and their Sunwell…

I’d like to think that the BE’s Demon Hunters were volenteers from the Crimson Sigil / picked by Varedis for training. Those that survived were hard at work, fighting the legion. These DH’s we all know to be but they were so busy working, the Blood Elves during this time until Legion didnt know of Kael’thas betrayal. Legion happened and those DH’s were set free. Those Blood Elves, the moment they are back on Azaroth, an almost nostalgic feeling takes over them. Its the restored Sunwell and most if not all would have been drawn to it as most have made that “sacrifice” to help those back at home. Some visit, but some wont.

Personally, Im not a fan at all of Lorthamar but he’d be a fool to stop those BE from visiting Silvermoon and allowing them to bask in the Sunwell’s glow once more befors going back out into the void.

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