"We're always open to feedback, but I doubt we'll change our mind on automatic dungeon finder."

Well this aged badly.

  1. PRO RDF post still get more likes than ANTI RDF posts.
  2. This post already broke 100 likes.
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Where is “we” coming from? You and the 5 other people who are alts/trolls of each other are anti-RDF.

There are some anti-RDF people who make good points, but ultimately you are the minority and your opinion should not be used to dictate changes for the majority.

Personal attacks. Cool, cool.

Here’s the thing: they didn’t dictate changes for the majority. It’s not like anyone asked for RDF to be removed. It’s not like Blizzard asked the players.

There’s really no reason to get annoyed with forum trolls…they didn’t impact anything. They’re just seizing an opportunity that Blizzard created. RDF has nothing to do with it. It could be about anything. This just happens to be the hot topic, so this is what they troll.

You should direct your energy towards Blizzard. But…how? They don’t communicate. They don’t interact. They don’t care what we think. Really the only option is to unsub. But even then…they don’t seem to care. I look at Retail and I see WoW devs who completely and utterly ignored the playerbase for years and years and millions of players quit as a result. Apparently their egos mean more than the will of the players.

So I don’t know what the actual solution is. Unfortunately we’ve got a bunch of clowns in charge of Classic who don’t give a damn about authenticity, and there’s zero accountability at the company.


Damn this is the realest thing said on the thread, good post.

Why would anti RDF people have a problem with this? Are they incapable of finding their own groups the old fashioned way if RDF is introduced?

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Oh pumpkin, you guys really just ate the bait.

I said it specifically that way. On purpose.

All you managed to do was prove that you could coordinate likes via discord.

a discord im in, by the way.

Theres no “gotcha” moment here for you. I just showed others what i already knew.

Ill even leave it there.

Imagine someone saying “in comparison to now” and you taking it as a personal attack.

I’m sorry you feel your current emotional maturity is so low right now that you happen to understand my words as a personal attack

Yes we know brian made a unaminamous decision that was terrible for the game, and tried to explain it away, i wish I knew which server he played on so i could go corpse camp him


Lol :man_facepalming:

The amount of mental gymnastics the trolls do on these forums is impressive, I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy was behind a majority of the anti-RDF posts.

Am I though? I feel like Anti-RFD people just aren’t as psychotically loud compared to a lot of (not all) pro-RFD people on this forum.

To be fair, it could be the exception that proves the rule. Especially since if people see a response that says “oh, there’s not even that many likes!” they’re going to go out of their way to make sure that they like the original post. Not to mention that this specific post is a lot more active than most of the RDF posts (meaning that it is constantly getting bumped and isn’t washed away in obscurity)

Wish most of you would put your money where your mouth is and quit… until you do… game is not dedtroyed and community is still in tacked. 8 hr que times and you guys are saying the game is broke and dead. Just stop already

The “realest thing said” by the guy who was against RDF all the way up until they announced they were removing it. ok.

Oh great didn’t know you were the spokesperson for a group of people that aren’t represented anywhere, not even the smallest video or post or website backing anything you support.

Tbh the past is the past, people are allowed to evolve and change their views.

You know that when someone says “I feel”, it’s based on a person’s anecdotal evidence? Based on who I talk to on a regular basis and what I’ve seen in chat and on these forums, that’s what it seems like to me.

The fact that you’re going super sarcastic aggro is kind of proving my point, you ninny.

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The forums literally have a single anti-RDF post and it’s by a notorious forum troll that likes his own posts on alts and your friends is not enough of a sample size to matter, I have 100s of different pro-RDF websites/Reddit links/Videos while anti-RDF is not even a movement at all lol.

Like I said, I respect your opinion but you’re a minority in this debate and your opinion shouldn’t be placed on the majority.

How do you know there aren’t people on alts posting the same pro-RDF stuff and also liking their own posts?

And even if it is one guy liking his own posts… he doesn’t have like 140 different accounts to like his own post.

Look, there’s loudmouths on both sides. I’m one. But at least I don’t use a dozen alts to like all my own posts like several anti-lfd trolls have been caught doing.

Also, just from a basic point of view I feel like pro-rdf posts stand on a higher ground. You’ve got a group of people who want an authentic Wrath experience. Who care about accessibility and giving players choices. Letting people play the game how they want, when they want.

And then you’ve got a group of people who want to control how others play the game. Gatekeep content. Restrict their access. Change the authenticity of Wrath. They cheer because a Retail tool has replaced a system from Wrath that’s been removed.

It’s hard for me to put those two stances at the same level.


Hell some of us didn’t even want it from the get go. Just included when Icc dropped

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