Wen summoning stones?

Of course there’s an argument against it; it wasn’t in Vanilla and it contributes to the minimalization of an aspect of World PvP and world travel overall. Just because you can argue against it doesn’t mean an argument does not exist. It has always existed whether you agree with it or not.

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All these people saying use warlocks must be RMT people right, all the warlocks are pretty much auto afk summon/trade bots collecting gold and then selling it. Not sure why people are so dense and against summoning stones

That would be a instant kick. If dps ain’t even on the same continent they get dropped from group

can’t you see you’re just chip chip chipping away at what makes vanilla great :expressionless: first dual spec, now we need to teleport all over the world at level 20 :roll_eyes:


Sorry let me rephrase. There’s never been a good argument. It does not minimalize world PvP, nothing is preventing you from camping a stone, nothing is preventing you from killing the guy running to said stone. The effect it has on world travel is miniscule at best. Also, I’d argue that you can use the same logic against Warlocks who stand at dungeons to sell portals or give portals freely.

Sorry, hope you’re having fun in Era.

No thank you.

Help me understand this…

Party of five people. Three of them - one of whom a Warlock - run to the instance to summon the other two. WPvP = good.

Party of five people. Three of them - none of whom is a Warlock - run to the instance to summon the other two. WPvP = bad.

Okay cool,

So allow it on the PvE realm,

Vanilla is over in 12-14/mo anyway - who cares!

Mage portals too.

Tbc the mages will be there for those who can’t press numlock to shattrath the first days.

And the tanks charging, again. That was okay, for some reason. Not a carry, just to be there. Why I laughed at booster rants in tbcc. Some tanks were charging same rates as boosters.

Which had me go well I d see why a dude went booster. If paying 50 gold, May was well get the convenience of boost. Why pay 50 for a tank and still have to work too. Same gold amount, less work…more for your gold there really.

It is a good argument. You simply disagree with it. You seem to be confused about what it means to have an argument. It is 100% a good argument that can be argued and has been argued. You choosing to turn a blind eye to it is a you problem.

I have no dog in the fight either way. But I can have measured discussions without having to tell myself that I’m right no matter what others say. “I haven’t seen an argument for not having summoning stones” is either a lie or a delusion. Just because you say it does not mean it is reality.

Do not selectively argue a point. World PvP is only half of the argument I presented.

You’re doing the same thing the other guy does. You disagree with something and therefore blindly dismiss it. The arguments against summoning stones are just as valid as the ones for it. It’s simple to recognize this.

Can’t help you, pal. I have no interest in arguing either way. The point is that the argument does exist and it is relevant. It is a lie to say there is no argument.

I don’t know, first was removing buff/debuff cap, next was dual spec, now people want summ stones, wouldn’t be surprised if in the case we did get summ stones people will want something else.

Ret buffs?

Wotlk instance summ?



Well, summoning stones will be able to summon in about 12 or so months so have fun with the losing battle.

Retail has that and it’s terrible. Might as well be playing with bots.

Not all conveniences are good. Inconvenience is what makes things feel meaningful when you overcome it.

If everything is easy, it’s boring.

Travelling, while sometimes tedious, is what makes the world feel alive.


Don’t refer to them as summoning stones. There’s no such thing in Vanilla. They’re Meeting Stones.

I checked on that. Turns out it’s just a game. You might have it confused with something else.

it is both a game and a way of life :expressionless:

and you’re losing on both fronts, Eyr.

:expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

I didn’t say that there was no argument.

But your argument about WPvP is demonstrably, mathematically wrong.