You could’ve made zero changes to us and it would’ve been a buff.
Also Masters Call isn’t working. Tried it against shaman root, dk chains, rogue slows…etc. Disengage works though.
Why make us choose between Flanking Strike and Butchery?
Nope. Not going through it. Had to switch from Shaman to finally have some fun…had a literal blast before whatever changed on the 25th.
Onto warriors or finally a DH, they seem to be having a consistent blast.
Idk survivals damage feels pretty good tbh and in PvP I don’t mind not having butchery. It felt bad having to be in melee range being beat on more often to get the butchery’s off. With flanking it hits really hard and dives you in then you can go back out and have the option to kite more. Idk just my opinion on it.
This is their reasoning. Not a fan of separating single target and AoE even more but I do think using Butchery in ST was degenerate.
feels awful.
losing flanking means losing a lot of spear tips.
losing butchery means losing a lot of AE.
the kill shot bleed buff is nearly pointless because they took away or nerfed most of the bleeds we had. KS bleed is gone, and butchery bleed is nerfed. KC bleed is a joke.
and pack leader still lags behind sentinel by a significant amount. at least 15%. and now no bonus to pet survivability.
this sucks.
Survival feels WAY better now wtf u talking about???
It’s been playing fine for me.
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Kinda glad they cut the button bloat tbh.
Nah I miss my flanking and butchery.
Complaints about bloat for something like this are either due to failure of execution of the abilities or not setting up hotbars efficiently.
Having both made you truly aoe/single hyrid.
damage is super underwhelming struggling to clear devles i walked thru before dno what blizz did but its not good, also my pet is getting 2 shot by everything? legit cant tank a tier 8 delve mob for more than 5 secs
Seems like a you thing im able to keep mongoose stacked at 5 for SEVERAL seconds able to back to back 1mil crits so tier 8 delves are way easier. You have to heal your pet or step on the healing potions or you can turn off growl and brann tank.
You know the title of your post is somewhat what I said to my guild in guild chat on Monday before the patch and changes came in before I logged out for the evening.
These two new talents are terrible.
- New Talent: Cull the Herd – Kill Shot increases the damage units receive from your Bleed effects by 30% for 6 seconds.
- New Talent: Born to Kill – Your chance to gain Deathblow is increased by 5% and the duration of Cull the Herd is increased by 2 seconds. Cull the Herd now additionally increases the damage taken from your Kill Shot by 25%.
Its pointless to take them without Sic’Em in Mythic+ or raids…maybe. Even then its still not worth useing for two main reasons and anyone who plays survial knows why.
The Proc “Chance” in them and coordinating bleed effects as situations constantly changes.
The other is its just a 3 target cleave…Maybe!
And to a lesser extent its 3 talent points to grab that up.
Its going to feel bad again as i’ll be one of the first ones to be looked at to be benched on raid nights because my guild has to many people playing hunters that raid.
Here is the simple easy fix to this mess that won’t ever happen but I want to say it anyways.
Uncouple Flanking Strike and Butchery on a “Choose one” choice node. Put Flanking Strike back to where Cull The Herd is and then combine Cull the Herd and Born to Kill together in one talent node where Born To Kill is at now while increasing its 8 seconds to use or lose effect on the bleeds to around 20 seconds.
Oh yeah, also increase Serpent Sting damage by about 30% both on the direct damage and damage over time effects to make up for the less Wildfire Bombs you are throwing.
I hate to get on the conspiracy theory bus but sometimes I think they throw certian specializations under the bus for reasons!!!
Or maybe the set up they got now for Survival is really made more with PvP in mind? I’m not sure.
Mark my words after 2 weeks when the raid and mythic+ starts and the numbers and rankings start to come out Survival hunter will be dead last in Mythic+ and mid level somewhere in the raid.
I can’t coment on PvP because I don’t engage in PvP.
And yes i’m allready looking towards other class/specializations to play for the 11.1 season.
I allways say “My main chooses me” 
Checkin’ in. Master’s Call still isn’t working.
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Ya its such a detriment not having it. I cant believe they haven’t fixed it yet.
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