I mean people complain about it too much because people don’t like having to react too quickly or they do. Most prefer a chess type of playstyle.
Like one person makes a move, the other makes a move, and if person A or B makes the wrong move then then the next move is a checkmate. That might sound a little confusing, but it makes sense I promise.
Bursty metas are like getting killed thinking you could greed your trinket and dying unexpectedly. You see people complain the most when the game is like that.
problem is what ur saying is conflicting in the sense that the “punish” ur talking about goes away without burst. if a rogue (as they do right now) just uses evasion and cloak as rotational abilities cause they truly arnt worried about u and u cant just turn and wack em thats damp. “chess type playstyle” is reacting to cds in strategic ways, not using them basically as rotational because consistent dmg is high but theres no burst to worry about. its “he walled cause we CC’d his healer, but i held offensives, i can kill” vs “he walled cause i touched him, now we CC’d his healer and he used passive heals to avoid death, repeat till 20% damp and finally he dies”.
There is no dying unexpectedly, even the highest burst meta’s its from offensive cds and that u can actually see and monitor, the people complaining usually are those that are not looking out for those offensive cds and dont react, than dip super fast and go “he hit me for 100%-0 in 2sec” when the actual reality is he probably spent 3-4 globals popping cds that are on the same CD as ur wall and u didnt react to it.
idk i just disagree, and i dont think “most” prefer a chess type of playstyle, even though theres arguments that a burst meta is more chess like than slow damp. i can only comment on historically fast pace meta’s have higher participation than damp fests, despite higher vocal minority complaints during those periods.
TL’DR people complain when they die, in a damp meta you dont die, hence less complaints. people should die for the health of pvp.
I had someone saying this to me as if its a skill issue lol. No, whats going to happen is people are going to get weakauras to tell you when its up, and then for 5 seconds you just dont get to hit the mage. Every single time you press CDs, the mage is going to have overpowered barrier available, so on top of getting CCed/disarmed you would just not be able to hit the mage for 5 seconds. Its actually stupid and does not incentivize good gameplay. I dont think this kind of thing is good for entry level pvp, nor do I think its fun for any level of pvp either. The nerf is good and probably makes it more manageable, no class or spec should -ever- have something that makes you stop attacking during your CDs otherwise you die. I
This was effectively a far, far better version of counterstrike totem. Same CD, far more damage, visually harder to see, and harder to counter as the only counter is purge. Hopefully its far more in line now.
Even in chess you can’t checkmate within the first few moves because pawn pieces act as a way to dampen the game to keep strategic trading continuing until a team makes a fatal mistake.
Not sure what you disagree with, I haven’t shared an opinion on what’s best.
Both can have strategic trading, but when I say chess I mean it’s slower paced and fast metas can be compared more to like an FPS where if you peak in the wrong way around a corner you get headshot and die.
Maybe I’m not explaining it well enough.
On another note, I think people prefer a mix between the two. No one wants to die to unexpected damage, but people also don’t want 15min games. If people were dying too quickly then we’d start asking what’s the point of healers? You already see a lack of healers in shuffle for this reason. And if no one dies then that’s just boring and the games seem much more punishing because you just spent 20mins in a match just to lose.
Time will tell, on PTR it was both, and the classes being complained about in this off week were not outliers on PTR. unfortunately pvp is such an after thought blizzard only put the conq gear on the vendor the friday before this patch went live. so 4 days to actually see what classes looked like. 14-15mil hp some classes had in full conq. those high 4mil MS crits? went from 4 to 6mil. 6mil on a 15mil hp pool with all cds idk if thats the same as now and thats before the additional 5% hp buff they just added.
I can agree to a degree - we can’t be certain what things will look like once everyone is in full conq gear this upcoming season drop.
That being said, there is some serious QC issues with allowing the problems that exist now (Remorseless Winter, MS Dam, etc) to make it out of PTR. Blizzard needs to begin testing their own game again, because I don’t think we can trust players to do it anymore.
what i pointed out above is when they added conq to the PTR, so yes with some certainty i know what things looked like. you cannot QC for the existing issues, because the existing issues are the cause of hp values not being double as hp far outpaces dmg increases from next seasons gear as shown on the PTR. id argue even further that if blizzard had the common sense to atleast put honor gear on the vendors we would have been able to test for real issues instead of corrections that will happen on there own when HP values rise.
what im explaining to you is from PTR, with conq gear
Need to specify lmao it’s just flanking strike that’s damage seems bugged some how. None of the other abilities hit overly hard like that. It’s only been a thing since the patch because previously it’s never hit any where near as hard as it does currently.
Lmao no it hasn’t… the damage has been good sure but it’s not been any where near the damage flanking is randomly doing right now after the patch… plenty other classes hit just as hard as survival prior to patch if not harder.