I litearlly just wanted to be viable and not play fury for one season everytime arms gets somewhat good we get nuked. Also arms is no where near ret levels of broken don’t think anything can reccreate that. Lastly where is this dmg for me bro i need it. Still tho atp they shoulda just left arms the way it was before the buffs we just ended out worst
The ret war player is crying everyone point and laugh
I do think a 10% nerf then reassess with the stamina change makes more sense, but the damage was way too high. I really enjoy arms too. When there are outliers like this, everyone jumps on the train and you get lobbies with 3 arms warriors and it’s just a mirror match every game. Boring.
when have i ever been a ret/war player besides season 4 of df lmao.
Fixing the title “Welp they fixed some of the absurdly over tuned things”
Looks like probably also unchained
Once a ret war player always a ret war player to me
I play Turbo and nothing but Turbo, besides season 4 of DF. My first Glad, aka Unchained, when I first started playing was Turbo, lol. Also pvp checking me over not wanting arms to be giga gutted and trying to shame me for my rating even tho its actually good is crzy work. If the mount looks good to me, I’ll go for it; otherwise, I’ll steer clear of 3’s. My Shammy has wanted to Glad Push this season; I didn’t want the mount, lol.
If you insist bdk player
ret is also gonna fall behind…caster meta? ugh ROOT CITY COMING.
That was my post but missing the context that it was in an unrated BG.
A little bit of saltwater and berserking don’t change the fact that arms shouldn’t force cds during smash/avatar
Was very disappointed not to see anything for Unholy.
Nother season of not playing dk unless I get really bored. Sad.
These changes are going to kill warrior unfortunate.
With the amount of cc, micro cc, psuedo cc, silences, interrupts, kicks, stuns, purges, etc… The barrier shouldn’t have been a problem.
Just seems silly. Doesn’t really concern me, since I just spell steal, or cc the mage, and I didn’t run fire anyway.
The Mortal Strike nerf seemed warranted. I’ve been hit in the 4 to 6 million range, just doesn’t seem right. MS into Execute or whatever.
You think a barrier that passively tops your damage is good gameplay?
Edit: Watching Samiyam play Fire Mage for the first time and it’s 25% of his damage lolol
When did I say that?
Is that a lot? Don’t plenty of classes and specs have “passive” damage equal to or greater than that? I mean, it will deal zero damage to you if you purge or cc the mage. It’s anti-zug-zug; but, we can’t have that.
Just like not beating into Karma or thorns. Or how is it any different than cloak of shadows where they “passively top your damage” because casters can’t literally do anything, and it can’t be spell stolen, purged and lasts for what seems an eternity.
Either way, I think maybe having it work differently, as in deal back the damage over time, like karma or ring of fire, would have worked better instead of flat nerfing it.
But it is what it is.
Yeah my bad, without zerker or saltwater I hit 3m MS on people in games last night, 2m+ over powers, and 2.3+ executes.
idgi, you’re doing double to triple the damage of last week and every one of you is in here whining like the sky is falling because you got a 25% nerf.
You’ll be fine. You have plenty of Rank 1 players that you send monthly tips to on Discord and you sub to many channels on twitch. Don’t worry, these measly nerfs won’t hold you back.
Yes when you hit it off cooldown and it makes you a non-target.
It also scaled with our vers, so we would feedback more damage than we were hit for. I tested with Bri last night, my 2.1m shield absorb did 3.4m back to them.
The 60% reflection will still make this absolutely slap since it’s a 20s cooldown.
And since they are touching arms and other things, I do think it’s okay if we lose some of this insane tankiness. I don’t need 30%+ of my damage as fire coming from a damn shield.