..Welp... I have the Xbox Series X

“Yo Bari Master Race, why you have it? I thought you hate consoles?”

I live with my brother and he likes collecting consoles both old and new.

And quite honestly, as much i’ve kept my expectations of Xbox Series X really low since it’s a console… I’l be completely fair with it, because there is some things to be said about it that makes it an okay console to own.

  1. First and foremore, the obvious is Gamepass. Y’all know about it, so i’m not gonna chant the praises for it the billionth time. What i will bring up is you do … i guess quests to get reward points to pay off for Gamepass. So that’s neat.
  2. Quick Resume. Yeah, it’s a gloried confusing Alt+Tab, but it’s there.
  3. HDR/FPS/Load boost for some games. Wish it’s in ALL games, but it’s nice to have.
  4. The games you bought on Microsoft’s PC can be played on Xbox, along with your saves. Now that is the nice part. (Found that out with one of my recently bought games, Crackdown 3)
  5. Not sure if this is done on Playstation but… any games you got for Xbox 360 and one carries over to Series X on the same account. :open_mouth:
  6. And of coarse your emulators if you jailbreak it or give it dev mode or whatever. This Box got PS2 emulation up and cooking chicken fingers and fries way before PS5 did, so lol.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a console and it has a lot of problems that a console has, but at least Microsoft here is doing something right by making me soften my blows against it and leave me saying “It’s alright”.

So if you side with blue or red, or have a PC master race flag, this will not convince you. If you side with green, welp, you would be very happy at light praise i’m giving it.

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