Welp, feral went from terrible to the worst

Uldir logs are up on WCL… feral is now at the very bottom across percentiles and difficulties.

Total incompetence at Blizzard. The supposed “buffs”, rework and fixes nerfed us into the worst dps spec in the game according to logs by a large margin. Oh but hey, at least we get an AoE finisher that tickles mobs now!

people that will still play feral… curious, why play the worst dps spec in the game (PVE)?


Fundamentally? Played well it’s better than poorly played ‘best spec’s’ and outside of Mythic raids the tuning is lax enough to allow for that.

That said 14 years of experience is telling me to expect a tuning pass for several classes, including ferals, prior to BaD dropping on Jan.22 to clean things up a bit.


Yeah, it’s pretty awful. I thought it was the way I was playing with the new changes, but now that they have the parsing information, I’m happy to see it’s not just me. I’m thinking it might scale well though, but we’ll see in a raid or two…


Went out to kill the world boss and do some world quests on my 369 druid last night.

“Oh 8.1 is live. They must’ve buffed feral spec. I’ll give it a shot!”

and OUCH! … My dps was lower than pre-patch feral. Back to boomkin I went.


I’m just frustrated. I want to play Feral. I love the idea of being a cat that goes around ripping adds and bosses apart. But the damage is NEVER equal to what others similarly geared can do. So I have to play balance…which I hate…Come on Blizz, share some of that Demon Hunter love with Feral Druids.


You can literally feel yourself not doing dps… you dont need logs and addons to tell you… When I came back after seeing the patch notes, I hopped on my feral and after not playing it for a while with the same exact gear from few months ago Im doing LESS damage… lmao… I’m so glad I unsubbed… dk’s ferals shamans… cant play any of the classes I enjoy, lock is the least worst option out of the bunch… but they still feel crappy to play…


My single target dps has considerably gone to $hit. I am 3k lower than I was prior to 8.1. Energy starvation is still a thing.

My aoe is alot better, however if you spec aoe your single target will be doomed.

Blizzard when we said improve our aoe we didn’t mean completely screw up everything else…


I feel like they still got buffed overall, it just requires a different play style and traits now. My biggest issue right now is all our AOE being on the same talent row, and the fact that on an AOE pull the rips from wrath will still have 10+ seconds on them when I have 5 combo points to spend, so i can either use FB, the rip for which gets replaced by the next wrath rip, so it just wastes the added duration. Or just keep spamming wrath for its small instant damage. Feels very awkward.

I still play feral because I love the spec. No matter how bad they are, imma stick with them lol


Sorry but this whole situation is total F&@$$%* Bull.

EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO FERAL AT THE START OF BFA. “Oh no. Tuning is coming, it will be fixed”

By the time things were “addressed” we were kinda middle of the pack but the sentiment towards us made it hard to find a spot.

Now the same thing is bound to happen again, and what about the players that finally showed that Feral could earn a spot, only to have this happen and get screwed out of their prog. Especially at the end of a Tier.

Thank god I got my CE before this s$@%show.


New sims show us at upper middle for dps, hardly as bad as everyone is making out. We just need to re-prioritise our secondaries since haste is now worse than crit and mastery.

RIP dot spec.

If it’s not a dot spec anymore then wtf is it? You have to consider that energy STILL an issue. Wat made feral bearable to a degree was the fact that you pulled energy to let dots roll. Are you going to tell me that it is now an active button mashing class? I can imagine that’s going to be more of a turn off wen you can only shred twice before becoming starved.

Unfortunately it seems that way. When 34% of your damage is coming from Bite and 12% from Rip…

My single target is horrible if I spec for aoe.

For starters Sabretooth need to NOT be on top row.
Savage Roar needs to be way more dps and energy increase to be worth while
Predator should also reduce the energy cost of shred ( to make it more effective in single target dps situations )

If you’re having issues with energy regen go with SotF. It’s on par with Roar anyway and way easier to use.

Crit stacking is looking like the way of the future, unless they hotfix something. With ST and SotF we just throw down Rake, Rip and then Bite for the rest of the fight. Fun.

Oh, and don’t forget to Brutal Slash on single target…


Yeah I havent fully tried all combinations of talents and specs. Just from what i have tested my dps is 3k less than before. My azerite traits probably wrong too. Yeah I think Soul of the forest may be the go-to talent now.

Jungle Fury looks like the trait to get, at least one of. Your dps probably dropped because haste is borderline worthless now. Or at least it’s the worst secondary for me now.

I didn’t have full haste before so only lost ~800dps. Not that I’ve been able to get on and do any logging since the patch, this is just simmed.

Does this look like the optimal build right now?

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i know it makes me sick to play my feral then i get mad and log off

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Go FF14 and play the cat race, and run around ripping things up in that game. I have given up on WOW being able to do what is needed. I do not think the devs have one clue, especially when they say. We are buffing the class, and instead its nerfed even more!

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