Well now that necro war was nerfed can we nerf kyrian stun?

Is it?

I’d say the nerf applies more to your teammates than you, especially as Arms.

Veteran’s Repute unaffected.

Idk. I think Arms is definitely under rated. Everyone just jumped to Fury including myself because it was so strong. The mastery nerf is going to really hurt Ret/War and TSG which sucks because playing against casters in 3’s is going to really suck. They also nerfed crushing blow effectiveness by 25% so way less burst. I think it is worth it to go Kyrian for the lockdown stun. However I still think in most situation’s even with the nerfs Fury will pull more damage overall than arms.

Its not even a button, that’s why it’s so dumb.

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Literally saying nothing


Silence. Peasant

Its like someome reading the back of a cereal box out loud lmao


That nerf only applies to the bonus mastery, but the secondary effect of perma freedom (cannot be slowed past 100% movement speed) and 30% movement speed if not snared is pretty killer for melee uptime. I would def still want it for Ret/war, TSG, turbo etc to run people down.

Still worth taking post nerf IMO unless you are running with a strong burst partner (caster) who will benefit from the spear lockdown to keep targets in LOS.

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choice node
vanish or cloak

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I would be ok with evasion or cloak as well