Well now that necro war was nerfed can we nerf kyrian stun?

I have no clue why this is in the game. The ability to have an aoe stun that procs whenever you get low just doesn’t make sense. It’s just the most pointless broken ability in the game. Either make it only proc 1 time a match or just remove it.

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they give up a potency conduit to play it. there’s like 100 things more overtuned atm

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I can’t say a single covenant passive more overtuned that it. You can argue seed, but I think having a free aoe stun every minute is way stronger than seed. It just has no place in the game and should be removed.

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Delete Cloaked in Shadows while we’re at it.


he just wants to nerf everything until only rogues/mages are allowed to play


It doesn’t even really effect rogue mage. Can you even say anything to justify it’s existence? It’s a really dumb button that helps cover for mistakes.

Crazy how some people aren’t satisfied until warriors are free wins. :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


Who said anything about warriors? Most specs that go kyrian run that talent. It isn’t good for the game. Unless you can give me a reason why it is? If not get thing qq trash out of here.

Auto-proc kyrian stun is great for the game.

My brother in The Light you made the thread

Still waiting for a justifiable reason for the ability.

Kyrian auto stun and venthyr auto root are toxic.


maybe if u dont run adapt u can trinket it

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To be clear, necro fury warrior is still absolutely insane, and the nerf doesn’t even feel noticeable.

Is necro still the play? My bro was asking me what cov he’s suppose to play now after the nerfs.

Still Necro, although Kyrian might be less unappealing. Haven’t tested Ancient Aftershock much but I imagine it’s just a worse Conqeror’s unless MAYBE you’re constantly hitting 2+ people with it and have something to keep them in it (static, vortex, limb)

Then Venthyr just doesn’t have a “go” when pacing is how it is. High sustained, though, especially with DM.

Conqueror’s Banner adjustment is roughly ≈5% damage for the Warrior, then Crushing Blow ranges from 9% to 15% of overall damage dealt, so the nerfs are notable BUT the Crushing Blow mobility as well as Slaughterhouse uptime/potency is unchanged.

Conq/Reck go is still terror, and ramp>rb/cb dump is still strong, you just don’t randomly 1-tap people as frequently, but the sustained damage is still immense.

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Actually Kyrian auto stun is massive against rogue/mage, getting that stun to go off can be the difference between eating a DR stun after kidney against a sub rogue, and peeling just enough damage to survive a go against sin/outlaw. If teammates peel the mage during combust it shuts down the rogue long enough to get away and ruin his damage, or gets a trinket from the rogue that makes him vulnerable to a swap if you survive.

Can’t even tell you how many matches that ability won me matches against rogue/mage on my hunter.

What’s your fav healer spec to play with on your wars?

Fury feels like it’s best played as aggressively as possible, so anything that enables that, from chastising healers to offensive bops on disarms. Big walls also feel super nice as Fury doesn’t really have a good “out” for damage, but haven’t had chance to really play with Disc to see how that feels. Idle/passive play might be be chill with something like mw/rdruid, though.

Fury kind of degen and wants to play with stuff that lets it spam its 2 buttons into the most vulnerable thing on the enemy team, at least that seems to be the ideal scenario.

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Kyrian Arms is 100% the move. Don’t know why anyone would play Necrolord after a 33% covenant ability nerf.