Well Done Kennie!

I’m not really seeing the mastery value. Like, it buffs ap, so direct damage, along with vers can let you blow up somebody with a shockwave + shield charge during modifiers but outside of that it just seems…ehhhh? I don’t know.

Well crit is 2nd best but mastery directly buffs shield slamm n crap and makes your go’s alot more impactful. But crit makes your dots hurt alot harder. Im at like 20% mas and 14% crit atm with 34% haste. There isnt much room to divert into the two as i have teir that has most the two stats baked into it

Is it? When crits are as nerfed as they are?

when dots are ticking on the team crazy yea it is

aaaaaand healer just afked in my matches and i got dropped 100 pts cause none of the dps could do any dps

another reason why healers dont deserve anything more than nerfs

dude this mmr system for RSS is sooo cooked lol ANd deflated AF

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im also doing some testings with no devastator and its actually pretty good for goes

it hits for like 10k normal and near 20k normal crits

healers deserve nothing
most just afk like the one in my recent shuffle and just kill peoples ratings

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pray you dont get a prot paladin lobby lol. those are absolutely the worst lobbies in RSS

Just remember that it can always be worse.


dawg theres noone playing even the pallys dont want to que lmao

Soooo what is the stat priority for arms now? right now im trying a heavy crit build and it kind of feels aight. or is going full haste/versa the move as its been for the past 8 seasons or so?

bleeds go haste and mastery

MS is mastery and crit

bleeds is VERY dependent on WB

MS is very dependent on WB with avatar

i just keep getting caster lobbies so i stopped queing as arms untill they nerf wizards like seriously

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:smiling_face: :flushed:
im such a casual but what is WB???


Not overly invested, but I’ll +1 any post where a Rogue is made to eat dirt.

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:person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :laughing:
im such a casual and Kennie doesnt believe it well there’s proof Mr Fox

Nope that was me oops

You came out on a YouTube video, not your gameplay but what you typed on forums lol

5 min mark, it’s a magnuz clip.


we all know the guy whos name starts with a v stalks my friday threads

Gottem nj doors