Well, alrighty then

So I decided, late last night to get a look at how a Dark iron Dwarf Death Knight would handle it’s starting zone.

So I make one. What a difference not having to quest in that old starting zone.

I was standing in front of my old pal, the Lich King and he had a couple of quests to do. One was to Pledge my Allegiance to him to get my weapon. The other was to step into the Portal.

So into the Portal I go and I find myself standing in front of the Gate of Stormwind. I am thinking…oh no.

I was so right. I was immediately pounced on by 3 Ravenous Zombies and before I could even get my sword out, I was dead.

Not a good way to start out my new Death Knight.

Finally made it to the mail box to get the Anniversary mail deleted.

Then I deleted my Death Knight.

I will wait till after the expansion launches and the few days it probably take for me to get logged in then I will create a new Death Knight.

By the way he did look awesome.

Edit: Yeah, I know I could have just gone to Chromie and hit another expansion. Like I said I just wanted to get a look at how they started.

I have a Dark Iron Warrior that I am leveling right now and that is my focus for the weekend.

Have a great weekend.


Go to the BC zones as an allied race frost DK. You’ll delete every thing very quickly.

Now imagine if you got blue flames on your beard!

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In the time it took you to delete the mail you could have activated chromie time, and gone to whichever expac you wanted to level in. Said expac would most likely be zombie free.

Dk afraid of zombies. What on azeroth is this?


Oh damn, now I want that.

Ok, so Dark Iron Dwarves are already awesome I photoshooped them when I still had t3.

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Those are amazing!

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