Welcome to Remulos!
I’m happy that they decided to give us realm forums and I hope they see some actual activity like back in vanilla.
If not there’s always the discord but It’s by invite only so contact Nina.
Welcome to Remulos!
I’m happy that they decided to give us realm forums and I hope they see some actual activity like back in vanilla.
If not there’s always the discord but It’s by invite only so contact Nina.
Haven’t used the WoW forums for years, hopefully they do become as popular as they were back in '05 - '06. Will probably depend on the age demograohic of the realm.
too bad they gave us the forums after the severs were up so no one is using them. we are busy leveling. could of used it before hand.
Coming from Khaz’goroth, the modern Oceanic Normal server that was open since vanilla. Remade my gnome warrior.
I’ve randomly seen and chat with one familiar name from old Khaz, here’s hoping more to come.
I hail from Lightbringer originally. Moved to an Oceanic realm when they became available and then eventually on to Caelestrasz where I’ve called home since.
Unlike my original ventures in this game, i find myself attracted to the light, though not as a paladin - I’m a human warrior (when the character is high enough level to select it as an avatar)
Don’t worry, the servers will be down eventually and we will have a place to /rage etc
Cheers Purusha as updated we are opening the Discord server for the time being. Feel free to come along and join us Remulos friends!
I think I understand why they probably waited on granting the realm forums - they wanted people from the severely overpopulated realms to shift around a bit first, rather than becoming cemented into a realm that would constantly be overpopulated. By waiting, they’ve now opened new realms and more opportunities for stable populations.
Forums still not getting much use I see…
people on discord now
I like both.
Forums are better for longer content and it’s easier to catch up on if you haven’t been on all day.
Disc is good for chat, getting to know people, and getting groups and such.
Which is pretty sad really. That place is just a stream of typed consciousness…
If you go away for a few hours and come back you don’t know where people are upto.
I think the biggest ‘killer’ of these forums is everyone being logged in and playing!!!