Welcome to the WoW Classic realm discussion forum for Faerlina.
These forums are here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of World of Warcraft with your fellow players. Community forums work best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that you take the time to read through the forum Code of Conduct before posting.
The new search function is extremely robust. Please be sure to use it to look for similar topics, blog posts, or web pages that may contain the answer before creating your forum topic. Making a new thread on an existing subject will likely result in your thread being locked or deleted. If you continue to repost it you’re likely to have your posting privileges suspended for spamming. Worst of all, you’ll be making the other forum goers upset that you didn’t take a minute to search before posting.
You can quickly report a post to our moderation team by clicking the
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New Forum Features
Tracking and Updates
- There are now “Blizz Tracker” and “Dev Tracker” options to quickly find official posts.
- You can now easily find threads that you’ve previously viewed
- Preformatted text
- Threads now update in real time without needing to refresh
- Threads now infinitely scroll as the “pages” system has been removed.
- The forums will also remember what you’ve read, where you left off, and how long you’ve spent active on the forums.
Sorting and Search
A new “Advanced Search” feature will make looking for older posts easier.
You can now sort posts by “Top” or “Latest” with configurable timeframes.
- You can now enable notifications for when you are tagged in posts and replies.