Welcome to The Cloaks Within!

I had Flayedwing Toxin.

As a tank :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You can’t tell me what to do! If I want to complain, then I shall.

Get off my lawn! Why are there dishes in the sink! Who put the pink sock in with the whites, now everything is red!

What in the Karen just happened

I got a Heroic Tier Helmet. :woman_shrugging:


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Found your issue.

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One thing really driving me insane is that my frost dk ONLY gets two hand weapon drops despite me swapping my loot spec off and back to frost and trying current neither works. Also only get two handed drops in dungeons.

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fwiw, even without 2-hand drops, sounds like your luck still wouldn’t see 1-hand drops (since they’re usually separate boss tables) you’d get hosed with back to back capes and bracers and have no weapon at all… silver lining, at least you got a weapon!

token and craft system to buy/build your target gear makes more sense than praying for dopa from the loa of rng, but functioning frontal cortex players probably not their target audience – spend more money if your brain doesn’t recognize it disappearing

(this second paragraph of spittle is vitriol from not seeing edna trinket from mythic despite several runs with tank stacking to fish for it - still using 593)

(second edit: but come on, they’re outright taunting us with valor-stones)

I subbed to World of WarCraft: The Rings Within instead.

My first Vault? Ring, Ring, Ring, Boots.


I can only wear two cloaks at a time, but then I look like a sandwitch board. This is not fun. Folks keep asking me if we deliver. No we don’t I’m a mage. I conjure.


I have +7 603 rings from Delves (Bountiful and Maps). I feel like Sanic the Hadgehaw overe here… :hedgehog:


That’s no good

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Game was trolling me.

I got a cloak as a reward for doing Black Temple :dracthyr_shrug: