Welcome to Skyreach

Hello everyone I hope you are doing well. I created this thread because it has been some time since I have seen an Arrakoa allied race request/discussion conversation. I’m hoping to gather any and all like minded fans of the Arrakoa so we can discuss them as an allied race, discuss their culture and history etc.

I am currently rewatching a lorerun of WoW, and it has reignited my desire to play as an Arrakoa, specifically the High Arrakoa. This race should be expanded upon further and not left isolated in alternate Draenor, they are one of the most interesting and unique races in the lore of WoW. What will it take to get them playable in game? Who would they join? What classes would you like to see? I have personally never made a warrior on WoW but the prospect of being an Arrakoa dual wielding Bladewing would be awesome.

So that’s it thank you for reading, with all the discussion with Vulpera and High Elves etc, I didn’t want Arrakoa to be forgotten, it would be a tragic mistake to not allow them to be playable imho. Enjoy your stay here in Skyreach and be nice to one another and discuss, or be cast out into Sethekk Hallow!

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They’re definitely not in the forefront of the story right now so I don’t see them being added any time soon, but I’d play one. I found their culture and the story of Terrok during WoD pretty fantastic.

If Yrel’s Lightbound crusade continues to be explored as a plot I could see the Arrokoans being brought back into the spotlight. They went completely unmentioned in the Mag’har recruitment storyline (even the botani and saberon were shown as a couple NPCs fleeing after being teleported from Draenor) so my theory is that the High Arrakoan actually would have sided with Yrel and the Naaru, since they are a light (sun) worshipping race. Whether this will make them playable or just an enemy race to spice up Yrel’s Lightbound Draenei army remains to be seen.

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Hopefully in a future expac that deals more with the Light and Void they will be brought in, since yes the time to do so would have been during WoD or during the Mag’har scenario. After N’zoth perhaps we will have to visit with the Ethereals and their home planet and deal with the Void in a bigger way. I’m hoping that we will see them again and they finally become playable!

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I want to know what happened to the Order of the Awakened after the Lightbound

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Go Zandalari Druid and be in Moonkin form,…
case closed. lol

Joke a side… I don’t see it anytime soon.

Allied races aren’t (I want to play this so it should be made) type ideas… they are usually done in part to work with their story-path and whatever race we are ‘‘allied’’ with at the end. Ultimately one can argue my point there but looking at how they’ve handled AR’s… I don’t see them as playable and quite honestly wouldn’t want to.

Hey there, great to see another Arakkoa fan! We’ve got a community thread over here if you’re interested! We’ve also got a Discord server, with a link in the first post.