Welcome to McTauren's



baine bloodhoofs corpse

Don’t worry they’ll restock before you even take a bite.

Stay back elf, don’t you dare come between a panda and their food!

I’ll buy the next stock there is no way this place has 84 pounds of food.

:fries: :panda_face: :hamburger:

deploys the foodcatcher

I want a Funny Burger made from Bread that is funny :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


i want you in my discord. :smiley: also some draenei fries. and some goatburgers.


Ahh I like a Chicken Burger with Fries plz.

Rumor is they’re diseased and has fel contamination, you can have those.

:fries: :panda_face: :hamburger:

also i would like a pandaburger.

Those come beer-battered, with a side of bamboo shoots.

Artery clogger with a side of high blood pressure.


Those are fatty maybe it will finally put some meat on those bones, eating pandas is like eating lard.

:fries: :panda_face: :hamburger:

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What if we eat lard like it’s soup?

It’ll be just be mushy soup.

:fries: :panda_face: :hamburger:

/grabs burger
We all have to die. May as well die happy.

what would a burger made by a pandaren look like?
and dont say crumbs…

Filet of Off Hand sandwich please

Why would you want to eat a murloc hand?

We’re sorry the ice cream maker went on strike. It demands hourly maintenance, a 401K, and 6 apple pies

:dragon: :ocean: :ocean: :dragon:

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