WELCOME to all the potential transfers 🙂

Earthfury is an awesome server. Ignore the salty bois and grls, enjoy your time here, and please don’t litter


Yes littering is bad! pick up after your self please.

you know these two guys above me make alot of sense

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These guys do make sense, also welcome and Stay Classy EF.

Problem is, we actually like the server being medium population outside of peak hours, because of things like farming.

Don’t get me wrong, that is/was a bonus. When the apocalypse ends though and half the world died off having more people now means we will be back to medium pop in no time.

If we all make it through then we can all consider ourselves blessed.

Either way things will normalize in a bit. Don’t forget we also have to compete for those resources on alliance side but for you all the new horde is an annoyance. For us its turned into a thrilling life or death battle with the occasional run back of shame for losing. I am rather partial to it actually.

As always, Stay Classy EF!