Welcom back to EARLY vanilla mounting systems

Yup, they’re using the OG vanilla system, not the 1.12 EZ mode system.

This is getting good.

More stuff later.


…the only real difference is that instead of the mount costing 9g and the training costing 90g, the mount costs 90g and the training costs 9g.

You’re still paying roughly the same price. Don’t see how 1.12 is “ezmode”.

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I forget when they changed from a 3 second mount cast time to a 1.5 second cast time…but I think it was after Vanilla. I feel like I was still hating that cast time in Halaa fights.

It was sometime in WOTLK

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yah an no OG mounts either :O(

Until you realize that it’s EZ mode for those who collect mounts and that the gold sink component of mounts being expensive is removed in the later version.

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I LOVE the longer cast time as a hunter because it made our mobility mechanics of individual classes mean a lot more because that cast time was long enough to close the gap VS the shot cast time that degraded the value of the class mechanics.

“LOL IT’S EZMODE!!!..for those who collect mounts”

oh wow, mount collecting will be cheaper, this is a huge blow to the entire game, brb unsubbing :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

seriously lol


I dont think you understand at all or youre being sarcastic.

Expensive individual mount costs as we are getting is good because the mounts are both a massive good sink and keeps the game closer to its original glory.

The late system that we’re not getting gives the player cheap mounts after they pay for the epic riding skill.

The late system is not good at all.

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