I’m looking at the race/class demographics and while a lot of things make sense to me, some things do not. There are some race class combos that I think would be obvious but apparently not to most people.
-Dark Iron Dwarf Warlock. Dark Iron Dwarf to me screams Destruction 'lock. Dark Iron Dwarves seem full of rage and fire which is perfect for destruction warlocks. On top of that they have occult looking hair/beard styles and tattoos. Yet so few dark irons are warlocks, there are far more dark iron shamans.
-Kul Tiran Rogue. The first thing when I see Kul Tiran is “Pirate” and yet so few thought to make a Kul Tiran Outlaw Rogue. That’s a killer combo. Rogues are one of the least played classes for Kul Tirans.
-Void Elf Rogue: Void elves are very popular but void elf rogues are weirdly rare. This is weird to me because subtlety spec appears to use void magic which lends well to the void theme of the race.
-Draenei Warlock. No Eredar role players in the chat?
Dwarfs are short and fat and KT and tall and fat. That’s why you don’t see many of any combo from them. Btw, I think both races are perfectly fine but I’m in the minority of that opinion.
As for velf rogues? I dunno why you’re not seeing them. That seems like a really common race/class combo because the Alliance is obsessed with their wannabe high elves.
Edit: forgot Draenei. I don’t know if it’s because I’m on an RP server but I see that combo often. With the red skin too.
I specifically went void elf when I rolled a sub rogue for that reason, I thought it was an awesome combination of race and class/spec I have a hard time believing it is that rare tho?
People definitely pick race class combos based on how well the race “fits” the class. Like Monks are very panda flavored so unsurprisingly a majority of monks are pandas. Orcs are a very popular race, Mages are one of the most popular classes but Orc Mages are unpopular.
Now obviously kul tirans in general are not popular but I am comparing with other kul tirans and rogues are one of the least played kul tiran classes.
Yahtzee. Tovi has pointed out the literal elephants in the room.
If I had to guess, rogues tend to PvP and Shadowmeld is too good not to have on Alliance for Rogue. Still useful in PvE to reset encounters as well.
And Velf looks don’t override Nelf, Nelf still look good + have far more customization options + have better / deeper lore IMO. They are the superior choice min/max and aesthetically.