So I just logged into this toon a few minutes ago, took care of some business in Boralus, then mounted up and headed over towards the penguin and azerite collection world quests in the mountains just north of town. First weird thing that happened was that I was able to gather some herbs while I was apparently still mounted, but I don’t have any monel buffs to do so while mounted. I then went to start gathering azerite, dismounted, but got the error “You are mounted” while trying to gather the azerite, nor could I attack anything and had to run away. My running speed on foot seems to be my mounted speed. I then tried to do the penguin quest but got the same error message again. I don’t know if anyone else has encountered this bug, but if anyone has any ideas how to fix, that’d be great, thanks!
Edit: after reloading a couple times, and asking poor random players to let me know if they could see a mount, I was able to find out which mount I was apparently on and tried to see if ‘mounting’ that mount would somehow reset things for me. It appears to have done so. (it was the water strider mount fyi)
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Same thing just happened to me on my DK in Darkshore. HUGE bug. I was in combat with mobs, apparently while still mounted, but my mount was invisible.
Very strange bug indeed… it was like a hybrid between mounted/dismounted. On the one hand, I couldn’t enter combat because I was mounted… yet I was able to pick flowers without any buffs that would enable me to do so while mounted. So the game seemed to think I was BOTH mounted and dismounted at the same time.
Was kinda entertaining to be running around like Usain Bolt for a few minutes though 
I had the same problem. On the buffs list for my character next to the map it showed my mount. I would right click it and then it would let me attack and interact again.
If only I had a buff icon that I could click off and make the issue go away
That was the first thing I looked at when it happened, but no mount was shown.
Same thing happened to me, I thought it was a druid shifting problem. I was also using water strider.
Nethim on Silver Hand has had similar problems with this (most recently 1/1 @ 10:45. Also noted that I would use abilities and no holy power would be generated. It’s like the client and server aren’t in sync. Got to a point where I was pacified and couldn’t attack a low level mob (and no debuffs to indicate why)
I’m also having the same problem. I’m running an enhance shaman, so it’s doing the same thing for both my mount and ghost wolf. I can’t mine or interact with objects and it says “you are mounted” or “you are in shapeshift form.” It’s really annoying.
it is lag doing it. blizz knows and still ignores it.