Weird things we hear in WoW

I’ve been playing WoW since early BC. I’ve misheard a few things from bosses and random NPCs that caught me off guard. Most of them are funny. Some of them I could see what they were trying to slip in. Please share what you’ve seen/misheard.

In Naxxramus, Thane Korth’azz says “What a bloody waste this is!” I’ve done Naxx many times. But this time, I heard “What a f***ing waste this is!” On a side note, “bloody”, in the UK, has been used in place of the US’s F word. While it’s not bothersome to us, it is to folks over there. I learned this during theater when I was in Mary Poppins. One of the children said “bloody” and all of the adults gasped because of what he said.

Also in Naxx, one of the 4 Horsemen bosses, Lady Blaumeux has a strange name. The first part is pronounced “blow”. The last part is more like “Mew”, but if you remove the “ux”, then the name has a different meaning, and her dialogue of “introducing herself” has connotations behind them.

Another that I have seen a lot throughout the game, is the use of the word “maggot”. The first time I heard it used by a Vrykul, I had to read what he said, because I heard a similar word, starting with an F. Fyrakk says it too. Not sure why “maggot” is continuously used. I know what it means as an insult, but I’ve never heard it used outside of WoW like that. Maybe in a movie or show.

Speaking of Fyrakk, one of my guildies misheard a line by Fyrakk going into P2. Fyrakk says “By fang or by axe, I will tear you asunder.” What my friend heard was “Finger my a**, I will tear you asunder.” Because he said that, I can’t unhear it.

Broodkeeper Diurna says something, but I can’t remember the line my friend misheard and has repeated during stream.

The Amalgamation in Aberrus, I think on pull, someone (or something) says “Mortal Flesh”. What another guildie heard was “Mortal p*ss” (the * is for an I not a U). Kind of an odd one.

These are all I can think of. I’m sure there are other lines that we had to listen to a 2nd time just to make sure we didn’t hear what we thought we heard.


Ha, You have a good ear!

And I love your name. Another JRR Tolkien fan! /Salute.


Pretty much any time an elf npc greets you/farewell dialogue

Bal’a dash, malanore -a death curse put on rainbow dash

ish nu bell dier -the night elf bought a bell for his lady

remember the sunwell -utter nonsense that cant be translated

“giiive uss your monehhhh”

Everyone’s heard it, everyone knows it’s a crackpot theory. Still funny how I hear it every time I’m at the spirit healer though.

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My favorite is the Fyrakk one. I apparently heard it 2nd, but the guildie heard it first.

And it’s my only name from that universe. It made more sense when I was a Belf though, but red Draenie? I could not pass that up.

Most of my names are from other universes like Legend of Zelda or Last Airbender / Legend of Korra.

That’s funny!

I don’t remember the con… ok when I was typing this, I heard the hissing sound of a spirit healer whilst dead. That’s great!!!

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A word or phrase that is misheard as something entirely different and irrelevant is called a “Mondegreen”, after a phrase from a poem about a noble who was killed and the next phrase misheard as “and Lady Mondegreen”, which made no sense and actually was written as “and laid him on the green”, put his corpse on display.

Once you have misheard a phrase it may be impossible to return and reparse it. This is a linguistic “garden path”, where once you take a wrong turn into an overgrown garden, you may be unable to see you’re going to wrong way, nor to turn back and see where you made the wrong choice.

A wow favorite I once heard someone say they had misheard was the Draenei saying, “Dioneese Aca”, which they heard as “Buy your niece a car”.

My own favorite wow word is “eradicate”. It is so rare in real life but so common among bosses I feel like maybe they told them to use it when they were in boss training school.


When I’m fighting smoldering in Amirdrassil I can’t help but hear “LAVA BURNS!” instead of lava purge.

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“Another freaking victory”

Nalthor in the Necrotic Wake.

But what he actually says is “another fleeting victory”

Also every time Inerva in Castle Nathria said “Your sin’s torment will last forever.” I heard “Your sister’s torment will last forever”

Like . . . what’d my sister do to you? :eyes:

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Is there another insect that sounds harsh to say? Insect has a good tone to it, but maggot makes it more specific.

Well, we can’t talk about the sins of your sister here.

I guess you have to have had to be called the similar word with an F enough times to have maggot bring back memories. The Vrykul, I think it was in Icecrown, said “Die Maggot!” Unfortunately, we hear that a lot today, but with the other word.

Oh I remember another one.

Female Goblins saying something about “having no target” sounds like they’re “… rtrded”. Forgot the first part, I just heard the R word there.

The goblin brewfest song sounds like they are cursing at me. :laughing:

I turn music off for Brewfest. It just hits a certain frequency that doesn’t work with my brain. So def a curse! lol

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…cuz F and M sound so similar

Shadowflame amalg: “DIE MORTAL P*SS”

It’s not the first letter of the word that is the focus, it’s the other 5.

wasn’t trying to argue or anythin’. Just thought that sounded weird

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No worries. My apologies. I’m used to like extremely toxic responses to that, and so I read what you said with that in mind. Again, sorry for that. <3 <3 <3

Forget where i heard it but 2 NPCs are talking and all you get when you get in earshot is:

“… and the Tauren said ʻ13 inchesʻ…”

what could a Tauren have that is 13 inches?

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In George Takei’s voice “Ohhh myyy!”

The Mortal pests thing definitely became a meme because the way it is said. As for the usage of maggot as an insult, I’m not sure if the exact start of it but you would hear it a lot in American military movies usually from a drill sergeant kind of character. Another example is how it was used a great deal by everybody’s favorite TF2 character, the Soldier.

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