Weird RSS queue times

So yesterday I had time for two complete solo shuffle matches. First one took me almost 30 minutes to get into which is pretty standard fare for me.

I immediately queued for another one and I don’t even think it took 3 minutes this time.

What would make for such a wide disparity here?

Its a dynamic spec preferred system. you likely just got lucky.

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Tossup as to who is in queue.

I’ll have 30 second or 35 minute queues.

From time to time you’re the last piece in the matchmaking puzzle.

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So you’re saying the queue could be so fast because it “wants” my spec due to having everything else lined up already.

Yeah. The system seems to try to avoid duplicate specs if possible, so this can result in unpopular specs having shorter queue times. Retribution, Demonology, Arms, Beast Mastery, etc, are kind of competing for slots in lobbies because that’s what everybody is playing.

Okay, makes sense. The whole time I’ve only had one lobby that had another ret in it.

Yep. You can still get double, triple and maybe even quad lobbies but the system tries to avoid it if possible.

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Professor Snowcrest is back!!!


On the flip side, Professor Worldpvp is now unemployed. :frowning: