Hey guys, How can I tell if my CPU liquid cooler is working? anyway to tell? like a program or something…
the temps are fine but I’m just wondering because I have too many fans in the case and usually nothing under load so…
How to tell if it’s working? I tried to touch the radiator it seems silent.
CPU temp under load will be the give away. Had a friend with a pump failure and and under load his temps would rapidly spike and thermal throttle his CPU.
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i don’t have that issue even while gaming… temps are fine but I cannot hear the Radiator pump or any ticking sound from the cooler… So I was worried…
Manufacturers work very hard to make them as silent as possible.
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most of them are quiet, generally if i hear noticeable sound coming from a pump or something i will tell the person they should probably replace it
Should’ve been a program that monitors it? At least my Corsair H100 did as it also let you adjust the fan curve and showed temps.
HWinfo is a free program that also shows u the cpu/gpu/etc… temps