Weekend Friday/Saturday Raid Guild

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up!

Bumping it up.

Still looking for some good dps. Ping us in discord, any time!

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Also, LF someone to carry me through nightmare dungeons in D4. =D

Bumping it up!

Kanna is here! :stuck_out_tongue:

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Come join Kanna kawaiii desuu

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

you guys looking for shadow priests? i notice you list ranged but i don’t know how long ago it was edited

Yeah, we could always use more shadow priest :smiley:

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

bumping that magical trunk