Weekend Friday/Saturday Raid Guild

Looking for DPS :slight_smile:

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Looking for Alliance and Horde friends in 10.1 :slight_smile:

Come say ‘HI’ to Kanna!

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Kanna here to bumppp

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

are u guys looking for a hunter for raids and mythic+ groups?

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Still need more dps :slight_smile:

Of course :slight_smile:

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up!

We are in need of a tank. Please come join us as we continue or prog in Heroic.