Week 2 PTR: expanded Drac Classes

Please reconsider adding monks, shaman, druids, and paladins.

Many players were excited to play those classes as Drac and are extremely disappointed.

If assets are an issue, consider giving us place holders similar to how LFD paladins had a placeholder charger until 9.1.5, despite releasing at the end of legion.

If lore as an issue, keep in mind the intro implies these classes existed pre stasis, which was 10k years before the war of the ancients. If locks can exist the others can as well.

As for monks, maybe just tuck in their wings for animations.

Lore wise, a group of dracs could have been thawed after the panda revolution to spy on them, learn how to be monks, and then put back in stasis.


Just give everyone glide, if we are going to change the core movement of the game why is it only for 6 classes?

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This isn’t about glide, don’t derail plz

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It is the effect of the proposed changed, which adjusts the core movement of the game.

That’s a separate issue which can be tuned…

Again don’t derail plz

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You proposed a change to the game. I pointed out the affect it would have on the game.

Very on topic, regardless of whether you agree

Dude no it’s not…

Im talking about classes available to dracs…

You’re talking about a specific mechanic and how it may effect competitive endgame.

Stop trolling plz… And honestly stop whining, glide ain’t a big deal. So at least wait until it comes out to see what the actual impact is.

But I promise no one is gonna get glad or world first because they got glide…

If anything thnxs for bumping the thread


This is so obvious though… Imagine being a new player and 90% of the classes have a double jump, move 40% faster and can adjust their trajectory in the air.

When you log onto a diff class you are literally going to think your character is bugged and not understand why everyone else is moving so magically.

It changes core movement of the video game

Okay well if it comes down to that then it’s an easy fix…

If not then yay you wasted you time advocating for it

I want to see Drac Paladin and monk for sure

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The intro doing that is ridiculous and clashes with the announcement

Fun thing, the announcement makes it easier to justify: dracthyr learned from mortals after waking up, end of. No need for deep lore. Especially since druids did not in fact exist 20000 years ago (Farondin wasn’t that old). A green flight leaning dracthyr would just be more attuned to it or something.

i was honestly hoping, and surprised they didn’t got atleast monk so they could have 2 tanks available

I just would be concerned that they would nerf class mobility when adding drac. For instance I could see them nerfing monk Lighter Than Air because of glide.

Why on earth was anyone excited for this when it was super clear, at least for Monk, Druid, and Paladin that this was not happening?

Shaman, Druid, and Paladin are the most restricted classes due to specific animations and custom visuals. Dracthyr should not be getting access to these classes before other races that have been in the game for significantly longer and make much more sense as options.

Oh really??

Earthen are brand spanking new and got both sham and paladin, soooooo what’s your logic??

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Earthen are reskinned Dwarves that are already rigged for those classes. This is obvious.

They’re basically getting the default dwarf assets for those rather than unique ones.

No they’re not they have unique assets for paladin and shaman

And I was using his logic against him in that only old races should get them while new races should wait

Except nobody claimed that. The point was that these are classes with additional resources, so the chances of getting them are ALWAYS low for every race, so they generally have to have a good reason.

Earthen got shaman because fricking duh, and they got paladin because they’re dwarves and if Dark Iron can do it no reason Earthen can’t.

What would a Dracthyr charger even be? Ramolith was an easy slam dunk. They just had to put some armor on the existing ones and make it glow a bit.

But you really want a vorquin charger? I sure don’t.

And what would a Dracthyr look like during Avenging Wrath? Pretty dumb if you ask me, unless they did something dramatic to change the way that looks with their already existing wings.

Shaman would be incredibly strange for Dracthyr. Just not a great fit thematically. Neither is Paladin for that matter, even without all the stuff I already mentioned.

Um that’s exactly what it would be… What’s wrong with that lol

Um dracthyr priest effects for winged abilities?? Did you miss that?

As opposed to goblins?

If dracs can be locks pre war of the ancients by stretching it they can be anything