Can u already turn Web-Wrapped Curio? Went to the vendor and theres no talk/use option
I’m getting the same thing with my Web Wrapped Curio. I am guessing I need more Rep or to complete more quests because the “Vendor” looks orange to me and I can’t interact with it.
There are 4 zones in City of Threads, each has their own stack of the pheromones buff to be able to interact with the vendors.
IIRC you get 3 of these from the leveling campaign, and the 4th from a side quest.
To access the Curio/Mark vendor, you need to have Pheromones buff that covers the Burrows.
Thanks so much Capslock!! Going to check that out now. I’ve been so busy dungeoning - I hadn’t completed the Campaign quests.
Thanks for the replies…, need to work on quests
@Randaberg did you figure this out? I am having the same issues. I don’t know where to get the quests.
Need to finish main campaign on spider area
I leveled to 80 and do not recall the quests? Where do I find them?