Web Comic: Gentleman Assassins

I admittedly am not entirely sure if this is against the Code of Conduct? Twitchiness to do with off-site linking, self-advertising and fanfiction. So smack me if I’m breaking a rule, please. ANYWAY!

Haaaaaiii, everyone. Yotingo here (or one of them. Rumors of my duplication were greatly exaggerated…). As some of you already know, I’ve been starting up a Warcraft web comic. It has mostly to do with the shenanigans that my raid team gets up to while we’re not killing bosses–or even while trying to kill bosses!
The first page is here:

You can navigate from page to page with the sidebar, or pick what you like from the main art menu: https://www.foxfirefiction.com/art/

World of Warcraft fanfiction, smatterings of fanart, some orphaned RP posts, and other random little tidbits can also be found on the site.

Hope to see you there! :slight_smile: I mean, I think I hope so. I’m a bit shy about this all still… :relaxed:


I like the one where the DPS is standing in fire. siiigh


:smiley: Ah, who doesn’t love Jacob running through the fire…

A few updates: I’ve been a bit hard-hit by summer classes and RL obligations (both the Real-Life and Raid-Leading variety), so my posting time has been slow this month, but there are still some new comics up since I last posted here!

I am also tentatively seeking some well-written Warcraft fanfiction stories (preferably about their own characters) by members of our community to add to the site. I call this tentative as I am still investigating how this may work on a larger scale, but…well…credit where credit is due! I have always loved CC-SOE RP and want to see it flourish, and perhaps…this could be a small part of that.