Weavercloth: Where/how to farm it?

My tailor is the 2nd alt I play and unlike mining and herbalism it seems impossible to gather/farm the basic material, Weavercloth. There’s lots in the auction house so it’s available somewhere and I rather get my own which has been far simpler in prior expansions. Wowhead comments seem to be in the same quandary.


Follower dungeons. Kill humanoids, leave and reset.

One of the spider ones is great.

The arathi one is good to.


Yup, pretty much spam follower dungeons.


I clear the courtyard in priory and reset.


Is this doable solo? Is it more cloth per hour than follower dungeons, you think?

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Use your primary gatherer to farm or buy mycobloom. Give it to an Alchemist alt with the Thaumaturgy tree unlocked. Zoom the shrooms and you are now swimming in dust and cloth with some extra bismuth to sell.

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I should have been clearer.

It is a follower dungeon.

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I do stone vault from start to second boss (take the path to the right). Kill all the mobs, kill second boss, leave dungeon and start again. Tons of mats if you want to use them yourself or load on AH.


boom…thanks !
getting quite a few

thanks the was the best place, though I just cleared the whole thing.
So 2 Stonevault Follower runs and I got:
45 R1 Weavercloth
61 R2 Weavercloth
33 R3 Weavercloth
22 R1 Dawnweave
18 R2 Dawnweave
10 R1 Weavercloth Bolt
28 R2 Weavercloth Bolt
13 R3 Weavercloth Bolt


Yea, stone vault is my go to.

And they seem to have secret fixed the drop rates on dawn and dusk weave, without ever addressing it, so they are much better now. But also lower AH price if you’re trying to sell.


Thanks Nastun, Dracon and everyone else who helped out. I had no idea . . .

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I have an Alchemist that also needs to start specialization but I’m not sure I understand what you mean; could you expand on this?

Thaumaturgy is a surprisingly complex alchemy spec that specialises in transmuting crafting materials into other crafting materials.

Essentially, all herbs, ore, skins, weavercloth and storm dust are categorised into three ‘types’ of element: volatile, ominous or mercurial. Each item is linked to three other items in mini-groups, and thaumaturging (apologies for the clunky verb) any of those four items will cause it to split into a random amount of other items in its sub-group plus elemental transmutagen associated with its type, eg thaumatising weavercloth will cause you to gain trace amounts of bismuth ore, storm dust or mycobloom herb plus ominous transmutagen.

As you invest points in the specialisation, you can unlock a fourth element, gleaming (which crafts the purple quality blasphemite gem jewelcrafters need for their best cuts). you also gain more transmutes, a daily cooldown which you can use to make materials out of transmutagen.

Working out what transmutes into what is quite a complicated process and it can be difficult to calculate efficiently how to best make money for it. if you’re interested and you think you’ll have time to spare, there are several videos on youtube (although some of them are outdated and most of them are salacious).

if you’re looking for a quick reliable income, i’d pick flask OR potion mastery + alchemical mastery and max out everything in both trees, and concentrate on making lots of flasks or potions to sell on the AH using an alchemy rod with multicraft or resourcefulness.


Thanks, Iski! I’m not wanting for cash at all but what originally caught my eye was Brian saying “you are now swimming in dust and cloth with some extra bismuth to sell.” Sell or keep, I need all of those for other characters (I have most professions covered).

Mycobloom does transmute into cloth, dust and bismuth, but I’m going to be honest, I wouldn’t describe it as “swimming”. 1 transmute of 20 mycobloom yields less than 20 of the other 3 components added together. for 1,000 weavercloth, you’d need to transmute between 4-5000 mycobloom, and at the time of writing you can just buy the weavercloth for less than the price of mycobloom.

as a tailor, you can farm it from humanoids. The droprates are terrible right now, especially of the rare cloths.

I’m doing thaumaturgy on another character, and I’ve been tracking my results pretty methodically. In one experiment, I transmuted 200 Mycobloom (10 transmutes). I got back 24 Storm Dust, 43 Bismuth, and 31 Weavercloth. I was able to sell those on the AH for a little less than half my initial investment. My skill level is still pretty low, so I think/hope that will improve, but it’s not a money-maker yet. That also doesn’t take into the transmutagens, which are soulbound and can’t be sold. It remains to be seen if those make up the difference.

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On this alt I have maxxed out the Thaumaturgy tree and doing batches of 40k-80k items at a time on 2 accounts. Usually, Gloom Chitlin as the price of Luredrop has been high and I can snag the Chitlin at a decent price at times. I have tracked each run and have made an average profit margin of 20% overall. Cashed out at 40% a couple of times when I was able to get ahead of market spikes.