Weather and Seasons

So I just got into my first Arathi Basin and it’s snowing!

It’s just amazing I love it!

It’s immersive, feels like a real world and my question is… why can’t we have more weather effects in game?


I agree, but it does add a lot of work because weather effects have to to scale with everyone’s graphics abilities.

I’d love to have more random weather events. Snow storms, floods, hurricanes, etc. Short term quests could accompany them kind of like random mini-holidays.


Yeah I wish the weather were heavier and the sky was darker at night. It would be so fun to gank people on a dark snowy evening with 10% visibility.

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Yes! Could you imagine having harder monsters spawn at night and your only safe in a tavern or in light!

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I meant hunting other players in the dark, but monsters are cool too !



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Thanks! I have a stack of those, but if it’s not dark on everyone’s screen then it doesn’t help me kill them.

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oh its the limited visibility arathi this week.

I like that one. you actually have to wonder where people are going. Normal arathi you can call out incomings from BS like a champ.

LM wake up…got 4 coming to you.

Arathi blizzard is my absolute favourite pvp brawl

I really wish those weather effects happened more and everywhere

Regular AB sometimes gets rain and its pretty neat, but it’d be even better to get rain and snow on other maps and out in the world


Elwynn Forest with 3 feet of snow would be something.


The CTF’s like WSG would be nice with this setup.

It save me some heachaches. I hate WSG and the other CTF.

Hey hunter…what’s with the 140K only.

I tend to stand back, not mid mash. I see where the FC is going and intercept. my 140K can be 2 70K FC kills. Just a bit better than 1 million damage in mids, imo.

Everyone not seeing 20 feet past their nose…mid mash less viable and no more arguments over damage numbers. It be nice.

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Love this! Seasonal weather always brings so much to a game.

Imagine logging in on a cold winter morning with a hot cup of coffee in hand and see it’s snowing in game with mounds of snow on the ground. Cozy! :snowman:

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ugh one can only dream

Totally. Me too.