Weapons of Conquest Frost Death Knight Massive Setback/Oversight

The Weapons of Conquest pvp quest gives pvp weapons based on your spec. The amount of conquest required takes THREE WEEKS to complete.

If you drop this quest, you start from scratch. None of your obtained conquest while having the quest will go towards it if dropped.

This is potentially a game-breaking issue and a MASSIVE setback for Frost Death Knight. In order to get a 2h weapon offered as a reward you need to be spec’d as unholy or blood. Frost only offers one-handers.

If you go to the armory, or somewhere like drustvar you will notice almost every death knight in the top 10 right now run a 2h.

I ticketed the issue and spoke with a GM; they are completely unwilling to resolve it. They will not exchange the weapon if you complete the quest. The pvp weapon is the single most important upgrade you can get. Having the wrong one, or having to wait 4 weeks to get another one is an unimaginable setback in a fast-paced pvp environment like retail. You will pay the price for this oversight if not caught before maxing out your conquest for the week.

Additionally, even if 2h is nerfed for frost and you are forced to play with one handers, it offers two different one handers. There is no universe in which you would ever want to use two different one handers in PVP as frost death knight.

This quest is all around BAD for Frost Deathknight. Other specs will not come close to feeling this much of an oversight. Even in the world where you absolutely would want to use one handers it doesn’t even offer you BIS like other classes. If you don’t accept the quest as a different spec you won’t even be offered the 2h.

Just another issue for frost dk. The spec hasn’t been viable for almost a decade in the competitive scene, just delete it at this point. I’m so tired of having unholy thrust upon me.

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I don’t even play frost but this is a huge setback for frost dks and not fair, if blizzard fails to address this before the 3 week cap, I’m literally unsubbing. Negligence is not ok.

dont quest rewards switch based on the spec you turnin as? At least thats how it is leveling, although it may not show it based on the spec you were when you picked it up

I checked and if you switch to unholy the quest will give you a 2 handed weapon. It is irritating that you have to do this but it is workable for now.