Weapons Available in Zereth Mortis

Are there any weapons available in open-world content in ZM that would be an upgrade over maxed Korthia weapons? I got one 236 blue weapon as a quest reward on the first day but haven’t seen any WQ rewards, cypher equipment, or available sandworn gear for weapon slots, and the available BOA anima weapons are lower ilvl than maxed Korthia weapons.

Was just wondering if I’m missing something, or if I’m having bad RNG, or if you need to raid/M+/PVP to get upgrades over maxed Korthia weapons.

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i’ve gotten 3 242 weapons so far. the staff i’m wearing, a SV hunter weapon, and my outlaw rogue got a useless dagger oh. should drop up to 250 something once everything is all maxed out.


The 3 desert bosses seem to be a good option for weapons. I’ve received them on multiple toons, and they’re 246 ilvl. I know there’s a couple of polearms, a 2h mace, a couple of staves I believe, and 2-3 1h maces…

The weapons that drop off other rares are 236 blues, but they have a chance to upgrade to 242 epics - which seems to happen somewhat often in my experience.

For the desert bosses, I just sit out there and refresh the group finder over and over until I see them up.


There are no weapon drops in ZM, anyone who says otherwise is lying. I’ve gone 2 weeks seeing nothing but an “upgraded” green 229 version of the 226 token weapon. I run all the weapon rares for the 2 characters I play daily, not one damn upgrade in 2 weeks. My main is at 239 average now and still using 226 token weapons.

Blizz can take their RNG catch-up mechanic and cram it. Hours upon hours of grinding ZM for one 242 piece of armor (a cloak) in 2 weeks. Everything else I have has come from daily/WQ rewards. Every Patterns reward has been a dupe. The only pieces of gear I have above 242 are the TW weekly reward, lego, and 1 piece of 262 crafted I made yesterday.


I got a 246 crossbow on my hunter, and a 246 sword and mace on my warrior.

I have gotten the crossbow twice. Wish I could have given the second one to someone but just had to vendor it.

All were drops.

Shields also drop at the 246 item level range as well. Most of the weapons I’ve seen is 1 handers, no 2 handers yet.

The 236 gear can roll up to a 242 which I got a few of those but mostly as cloaks then anything else.

It’s rng, and a real pita. Got both a wraglaive and fist weapon from the 3 bosses in the desert, and the crossbow finally dropped…after getting the 2 polearms on the hunter. Also looks like General has a dagger, and been put into rotation on a more regular basis slightly west of the big 3 pit.

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I mean, I had a 236 Dagger drop off one of the rares, so no, we’re not lying hun. You’re just unlucky.


i have my staff equipped atm. :expressionless:

Oooh, that’s a nice staff.

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i was really excited for it, yeah. lol. ty. :slight_smile:

That is precisely my point. Why put in a gear catch-up mechanic that is so RNG that the people (like me) who actually most need it can’t get anything of value out of it.

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I’ve gone a whole tier while raiding and not getting a weapon upgrade on my rogue… sounds like you’re having that kind of luck, but it is still early yet. Come back to me in a year.

It’s not catch up gear.

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Raiding? You mean that thing you can only do when you have the appropriate ilvl gear?

Then what the hell is it? Because there is no other way to climb ilvl to get high enough to do m+/raiding.


Kind of… if you’re in a decent guild they’ll do alt runs or other stuff and help people who have switched mains, or returned to try and get geared up… Like bring them in on bosses they have on farm etc. But as the new raid just opened my guess is that nobody will help gear you until stuff is on farm.

My hunter got a 246 from one of the Dune bosses.

It’s there for open world folks and as really poor bad luck protection.

So basically I’m just SoL then I guess. Because there is no other way to get past the ilvl/io gate and into m+/raids.

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Every first kill I’ve gotten the loot I need. Shammy got the flail, Warrior got the shield. Maybe not 100% drop-rate but whatever it is, high enough to land heads-up twice in a row.