Weapon Swap Macros

Anyone have a collection of any good weapon swap macros?

I also need one for duel wield and one hand/shield

I just use 2 separate hot keys.

One is
/equipslot 16 “name of 2 hander”

The other is
/equipslot 16 “name of one hander”
/equipslot 17 “name of shield

for dual wielding just have your off hand go to slot 17 instead of the shield.

And if you want you can throw in a /cast defensive stance if you want. For extra beefy soaking with that shield on :muscle:t3:

The important part is when you’re typing out your weapons name or spell name it has to be EXACTLY the same. And when you get a new weapon you have to change the macro to the new name of the weapon.


I am using equipslot macro and it works perfectly when I’m out of combat, as soon as I get into combat it stops working.

Might be a glitch idk but I hate it.

Ive been testing with it. other than the GCD incurred from the switched weapons it shouldnt be bugging out.

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For sure, I’ll try again when I get on :+1:

Found a lot of good macros on this vid (no affiliation)


Easy way to do this when making a macro is just shift click the item you want to equip and it’ll copy the name correctly into the macro so you don’t have to worry about spelling or capitalization errors breaking your macro.