Weapon illusions..too faint!

Can we please get the intensity of weapon illusion transmogs cranked up…like…twice as hard at least? most of them are barely visible at all. the new ones from dragonflight, are a good example of them being done right. the primal fire appearance looks like it should, but if you look back at old school “fiery” enchant for weapons it’s so weak looking. Maybe add a vendor as a minor gold sink that will sell an intensified version for each enchant for like 1000g each, but only for the ones you’ve already collected. that way the people who like the understated ones still have them, but there’s an option to actually have them be you know…visible.


There should at least be a setting to crank up personal effects - illusions and spells.
FFXIV has an option, under graphics settings, to reduce animations and effects by other players separately from your own. This should definitely happen, as it will help against the performance complaints that got enchants nerfed to begin with.