Would it be possible to make one macro swap weapons between sword/shield, dual wield, and 2-hander? Right now I’m using 3 different macros and keybinds to do this. Would be nice to just be able to spam one button and swap between…
Sure. You can use modifiers, left vs right click, or some other criteria. Just depends how you want it to work and how you’re setup currently.
Personally, I’d recommend doing it with Equipment Sets rather than equip or equislot commands as they’re the most reliable.
I’m trying to use fewer modifiers because i feel like my pinky is overworked and I use too many.
If you describe specifically how you want it to function we could provide some insight.
First time I use macro, it will equip sword and shield, if I use 2nd time then it will equip sword and equipslot 17 with mace, third time i use will equip 2-handed axe. So I just keep pressing macro and it cycles through these. And preferably in combat since you can weapon swap in combat in classic.
/equip [worn:2-handed axe] Sword; [worn:shield] 2-handed axe
/equip [worn:2-handed axe] mace; shield
this should do…
2h > sword/mace > sword/shield > 2h
This is what I tried to make based off yours but it ends up just equiping the shield with no weapon in my main hand. Also thank you so much for sharing everything you know and helping!
/equip [worn:Odo’s Ley Staff] Stinging Viper; [worn:Arctic Buckler] Odo’s Ley Staff
/equip [worn:Odo’s Ley Staff] Stinging Viper; Arctic Buckler
The worn conditional accepts ItemType as an argument, not the name of an item.
so these would be valid
ohhh thank you!
Ok all this macro works! All you need to do is spam it and it cycles through the weapons as intended:
/equip [worn:staff] Stinging Viper; [worn:shield] Odo’s Ley Staff
/equip [worn:staff] Stinging Viper; Arctic Buckler
But now I’m wondering if I can incorporate my dual wield macro into it somehow…
/equip Stinging Viper; [worn:mace] Stinging Viper
EDIT/UPDATE: now it randomly stopped working. Not sure if I messed up something or…
Looks like you’ve got a smart apostrophe in the staff name but i don’t know if that simply the forums converting it because you didn’t put it in a code block or if it’s in the actual macro.
In what manner has it stopped working?
/equip [worn:staff] Stinging Viper; [worn:shield] Odo's Ley Staff
/equip [worn:staff] Stinging Viper; Arctic Buckler
You are right. Must have been the text font.