Weapon Enchanting Issue

Unable to enchant any of the following on an Enchanting Vellum or an appropriate weapon, in this case, Billowing Magmathrower’s Cudgel, which is a mace, for a guild member. Burning Writ, Earthen Writ, Frozen Writ, Sophic Writ, Wafting Writ. Whenever trying to enchant the error “The spell is incompatible with your weapon appearance.”

Removed the Transmog of my weapon and was able to do the enchant. I don’t think that MY weapon transmog should affect the ability to enchant an enchanting vellum or someone else’s weapon. My weapon is the Searing Blazecaster, the current appearance of it is Arathar, the Eye of Flame.

I can see that this could really get someone stuck if they are trying to level their profession.

Edit- Added solution that allowed the enchanting process work
Edit- added the item being enchanted, added my weapon and what its transmoged as


I am having the same issue. I bought an Earthen Writ enchant off the AH and cannot put it on my [untransmogged] Crimson Aspirant’s Recurve. Same error message.

Edit. I’m dumb. I couldn’t put the enchant on the bow, because it’s a bow.

For the love of god please fix this stupidity. I have to unequip my bow to enchant others stuff or enchant to vellum. Did no one bug test this???

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It’s still bugged too, just had this happen to me

Im not even sure they have even looked at this. Im not seeing it in any Blue Posts.

Still bugged can’t enchant Writs for weapons on an Enchanting Vellum because I’m wearing a crossbow so I guess it only affect hunter enchanters that’s why blizz don’t give a f***.