Weapon enchant

The rating you need is 2100 in twos or threes and you can buy the enchant is that true? If not what is the rating or requirement now?

2100 in any bracket and the enchant goes directly into your collections tab :blush:

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Nice thanks

It’s not worth tho imo it’s a terribly made enchant…

It looks kinda like chronos enchant but yeah I don’t even show them on the toons that have it.

Arena needs more cosmetics, IMO. That along with a monthly pvp tuning commentary/hot fix and they could actually salvage arena.


i like it i use it on every toon i have it on lol

If you had mop or legion one would you still use bfa one?

nah u got me there lol

i do wish there was a similar style enchant but purple for 2400 in bfa no doubt

it’s not the worst enchant, but that red one is so damn cool that if I had the pick I couldn’t use another one.

My druid uses a legion artifact so, no enchant and my dk uses the frost effect one because it’s just too thematic not to use. :frowning:

Im trying to make the purple work but damn, thats the worst color they could’ve picked.

Just make new ones with dual colors or something. Light and shadows / fire and ice / nature vs lava. Also we know they can use 3d models in enchant we saw it with landslide in cata, with earth crumbling.

So light could have a glowy effect vs the shadow being a really dark ghostly effect. Fire and Ice could have fire balls and icicles floating around or melting ice effect on your weapon. Nature vs lava could be leaves/grass overgrowth while the lava is flowing on the weapon.

Just so cool looking stuff. Enchant have became really dull and plain.