Weakness or exhaustion against DK?

Since DK tunnel vision us like crazy I am woundering if its of any use to tag them with CoE since they have near 100% uptime.

But I’m not good yet at playing AFF lock.

Exhaustion is generally the play against melee, yep.

Worth mentioning: Weakness is really only good against classes with fast auto-attacks or classes whose auto attacks generate procs. So like rogue, ret pally, and enhance shammy.

Hope this helps!

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Yeah it does, I was using mostly Ex on rogue and I wasn’t sure if it was good. I do anjoy my lock so far even if am I total failure.

Its really different from playing frontlaod pressure class

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Destro is the most front-loaded we get and it’s capable of some silly things in PVP, but you have to have the window to do them. It’s difficult to force it since we don’t really have a dps cool down that enables it. However, unending resolve makes us immune to interrupts and you can use that to stare right into the melee’s eyes as you hard cast chaos bolts into their face lol


Both. You alternate between coex when it’s time to kite ( during enemy cds), then swap to weakness when it’s time to plant and cast.

If you’re attempting to permanently kite melee and never stand still, that’s a rookie mistake and your dps won’t be high = fall further behind = snowballs into a loss.

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