Weakauras Icon of HoT on ally

Hello everyone, I cannot for the life of me find this in google.
can anyone show me how to set up an Weakauras icon on my UI whenever i have a Heal over Time rollin on an ally?

Thank you for the help

Do you just need a yes/no is this HoT active or do you need to know how many and who they are on?

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Create a WA with the trigger as the hot aura and “smart group,” for who it is on that way it works solo, dungeon or raid.

Then on the first page for position select frame and anchor it to your party frames.

You may wanna import one form wago and use that to learn

just yes situation on 1 specific ally

So you need to know yes/no is it on [Name], not just on anybody?

correct, just on 1 specific ally (name).

I’m going by memory here so it might not be 100%, but under Trigger you need to set it as an aura, and then there should be an option on the next line for “Specific Unit” as the unit. I think you can enter the name of that ally there. Then just set it up as a buff with the HoT name, yours only, when found, like any other aura.

awesome I will try
Thank you

Youd be better off using a addon like cell for a healer UI.

I use big debuffs because I like the default frames and it can be used to increase the number of buffs on a target.

Thank you I will look into it.

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I stand corrected, it doesn’t accept the unit name as valid. I could have sworn I had something just like this to track mend pet on my pet long ago, but it’s been a looong time. I’m still poking around trying to figure it out.

I’d suggest a video by automatic jack discussion healer UI – I’m not sure the specific name of the video but if you search automatic jack healer UI in YouTube I’m sure it will pop up… He goes over a number of options like video, healbot, grid, and cell and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Cell is the “new” healer UI addon and I’ve heard it does a good job out of the box and you can import other healer’s profiles with a copy paste of a string.

If you have elvui or voodoo it does that for you