Weakauras broken?

Everything worked fine last night and since the 10.2.6 drop i’m unable to open my weakauras configuration menu and none of my WA’s are working. After talking to some guild mates and trade chat i seem to be alone, figured i’d reach out here and see if anyone else is experiencing issues?

Scan+Repair on WoW done
Reinstalled weakauras addon, lost all of my weakauras, and it worked for a little while til i relogged and now it no longer works again

This patch was closed so the addon makers couldn’t see the changes to get their addons ready. Give them a few days and it should be working again.

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Doesn’t explain why its working for his guild mates and not him. I’m having a similar problem. On one of my accounts its fine, but broken on another.

It seems to be bugged on certain characters/classes.
I have majority of classes maxed out (except shadow priest and the new race).
Weakaura works for majority of my toons except my mage.

I’m trying to import weakauras from other developers, but so far, all of them are giving me a LUA error.

Edit: BTW, I’m using the alpha version. You can change the settings in Curse so that you’re able to download the alpha version (do it at your own risk)

Edit2:nvm. I ignored the LUA error message displayed in weakaura and just re-imported it. And it started working again.

The thing that probably solved my problem was to download the alpha version. And not the “retail” version.

BTW, there was a new version available for me when I opened Curse just now.

That could be a cache issue, you could try moving the cache folder out of the wow folder.

It could also be another addon causing problems. Without knowing the full setup it’s hard to diagnose.

I am also experiencing this on my lock and dh. Disabled weak auras, then reenabled, and it fixed it until I logged out and back in; on my dh. Nothing has worked for my lock. Just gonna give em a bit to fix and do the event in the meantime, I suppose.

I’ve now Reinstalled the addon 3 times trying to figure out what’s happening. I have all of my other addons disabled for the sake of trouble shooting.

As i re-import my weakauras i’ve reloaded/relogged after each one and was having no issues, then i swapped from my hunter to my paladin and that seemed to break it again. Can no longer open config and none of the auras are loading

Super frustrating, as blizzard refuses to make a playable game without the use of weakauras to track mechanics/timings in mythic, i’m not going to be able to raid tonight at this rate. Hopefully it’s just an addon update issue that gets fixed quickly.

Please continue to post if anyone else is having similar issues as the more people that share in my misery the better i will feel <3

Installing the alpha version seems to have worked for me, but I have’t relogged yet.

You can probably check the sites of the addons to see if they have the fix to dl manually. Submissions can take a while with curseforge.

Update fixed it

I’m having no issue playing the game with out weakauras.