Weak auras help, question

Over the past several years on and off, i have used weak auras. I have dabbled in trying to learn how to make custom triggers, but usually my inability to follow along has caused me to just give up and try again later.

An Example of what I am describing follows: I want to make a progress bar for my skill levels of weapon skill, profession skill, or whatever skill I desire to track. My thought would be to make a trigger based on a condition, but when I go to select skill level in drop down menu, it does not exist. After some searching around on the internet, I finally was sent in a private message a copyable string to paste in the import window. I looked at the trigger and it was a custom trigger. There were things in there that are not available in drop down menus in weak auras.

This is what I want to learn. Where can i learn where, what and when to write in these custom trigger blank slots? I was told it was LUA code, it was Blizzard’s code, and I was also told it was in the drop-down menus in weak auras too. I tried to study LUA code for beginners, you know the one where it teaches you to say hello when you turn on the computer? When I ask a question on the forums about something related to LUA, every post in reply was Why are you learning LUA language to code for wow? or I don’t need to know Lua to use weak auras.

Anyone know where I can learn the very basic basics of coding custom triggers for weak auras? I need the stuff between the lines, the stuff that is considered the commonsense stuff that nobody bothers to talk or write about. While someone who just spit this custom code out and messaged it to me in a few minutes might be considered by most people to be a noob at weak auras, I need to learn the stuff before someone is a noob in weak auras. What book or class do I read or sign up for?

I don’t know WA but a little about WoW lua so take this with that in mind.

Couldn’t you find a WA that does something similar to what you are wanting to do and import it. You could then post the “custom” lua code from the WA on a WoW coding forum like this one and say “I have this code from WA that does X but I want it to do Y instead”…

Or just ask on the WA Forum/Page/Discord.

Just a thought.

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