Set up a Weak Aura display to show the GCD cooldown. Size and place it anchored to and parented to the button where your Barbed Shot is on your buttons.
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, I’m not sure what you mean.
Are you saying that there’s a way to display just the GCD, without the spell icon graphic, and I can make it translucent on top of the Barbed Shot icon?
As for parenting and anchoring, the icon is part of a group of other icons for other hunter spells. Is that related?
To be clear, this is what I am trying for:
0 Charges: Show charge cooldown (I can do this).
1 Charge: Show global cooldown and charge cooldown. I’d also be happy with just the global cooldown and not the charge cooldown. (Nothing I’ve tried works).
2 Charges: Show global cooldown only (This sometimes works, not sure why)
I’m building the package by stacking a lot of displays on top of each other. The last one is the one that gets displayed, while ones higher in the list get hidden underneath.
Set up the display to trigger when 61304 cooldown is active, make the display as transparent as you want it to be, make sure it’s anchored to and sized to fit over the button where your Barbed Shot icon is. If it were me, I’d have a custom text in the middle that says “GCD” and make the sweep go backwards to distinguish it from the charges cooldown, but that’s up to you.
If you really want to remove the GCD layer from Barbed Shot when 0 charges, you can also set a secondary trigger requirement of GetSpellCharges(“Barbed Shot”) > 0.
The trick is that if you want to see GCD on top of the other stuff, it has to be on top. If you want to see through it, you have to set its alpha to something other than 100% - 25% is usually pretty visible.
I don’t use WA - I custom code my own displays - but the principles are the same (I learned most of them from dissecting WA and then bugging the crap out of Fizzlemizz until I understood what was going on there).