"We won't merge because you'll lose your names"

Yeah this is stupid

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Obviously the person who has the name originally on the server that you’re transferring to should keep theirs, as they were there first, but if the name is being taken by a lv.1 alt that hasnt been touched since 2019, they gotta free up the names eventually.

Still dont understand why we got a god damn cashshop and boosts but we can’t have a name change service and blizz actively purging inactive names like in the original TBC as we can’t change our names without doing some TOS breaking that will get you a nice warning/temp ban.

I get what you’re saying. I was in a basketball league and due to a misprint in the rule book there was no limit on the number of players you could put on the court. We always had more players then the other team so we could always field 2 or more players then they could. We were so good we won every game. The whiners complained that they couldn’t compete when we had more players on the court and we were like, “Rules are rules. Get gud losers.” Well they didn’t understand team play and soon their players began to join other leagues. It wasn’t long before we had 3 more players on the court, then 4, then 5. In the end we were the undefeated champions and every other team quit the league. We still get together on the court when a game would have been played but of course the cry babies never show up. We don’t play anymore, just brag about our wins and laugh at the losers who left the league. We’re the best


I know I hit him pretty hard but this is just a slaughtering.

Sooooo has Blizzard… Forsaken us?

I think we still fine if we need to change my name character, thats not a big deal, yea will get small issues if ur name got steal from other server, but still thats fine, blizzars please listen this! MERGED ALL SERVER! MAKE ONLY 3-10SERVER THATS FINE! THATS MAKE UR GAME MORE LOVELY TO PLAY!


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