"We want to respect time investment for legendaries"

Yeah just like how they knew better that the Legion legndary fiasco was fine and that there was totally not a need for a vendor to target your lego… oh wait.

Just like how early Azerite armor was fine and that there was totally no issue with relying on random weekly lootbox to possibly give you a colossal upgrade and there was totally no need for a vendor to allow us to target a piece… oh wait.

it’s also hilarious there’s actually people that believe the new sockets are only going to affect min maxers. Like nothing speaks to fun and engaging gameplay than missing out on a new patches system because you made the wrong choice of what slot to craft your lego 6 months ago.

Respecting players time when it comes to legendaries btw. Front-loading the expansion with systems so we dont have to have new ones added btw.


This is the type o bull that will discourages me to do harder content. The new Venthyr legendary is only craftable in domination gear slots, so i don’t have other alternative than ignore the system. Now i imagine people who have to recraft many legendaries for their specs. This is not alt friendly and definitively not player friendly, and Blizzard’s delay to find a fix to this problem is really worrying.


If they wanted to they could of easily added some option on the rune carver guy that says, I want to reforge my legendary. You put in your old legendary with like a new base piece and it gets swapped to the new slot.

Yea but they rather you spend about an hour in torgast for 5 weeks to get that legendary in a new slot. Not to mention however long it would take in the maw if you want the socket.

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To summarize why this is terrible:

  1. For most people, your choice is: a) 5 domination sockets and no legendary b) 4 sockets + legendary
  2. Nearly everyone will have to re-craft a legendary. Unless you were dumb enough to craft in a slot with lower stats than another.
  3. Almost everyone has to move their legendary to a lower stat slot

For example, people running Triune Ward or Sephuz’s Proclamation will have to trade a Chest piece for a necklace. That’s a HUGE stat downgrade.

4 out of 6 of my characters need new legendaries. There’s no way I’m going to do that farm again.

The ultra, super-mega stupidity of this is that the Shard set bonus only works in Maw/Torghast. So this really neat borrowed power doesn’t even work in the entire expansion.


And they likely won’t do anything about it until after 9.1 releases. They’re hedging their bets that even though players may be dissatisfied, they’ll stick around for whatever reasons have kept them around this long. If things really do get bad they could always hotfix in a solution or two, offer retroactive refunds, etc. But they won’t be proactive about it.

The individual gems do work in PVP, M+, open world, and even without the set bonus the 4 or 5 shards players will have are going to make a notable difference.


Welcome to world of system craft, where its all made up on the spot and all the work you did last patch doesn’t matter anymore.


So what? Are they really trying to tell us that this…

Your spells and abilities have a chance to grant you 10 Primary stat for 30 sec, stacking up to 15 times. When you reach 15 stacks, unleash Chaos Bane, dealing damage split between nearby enemies and granting you 300 Primary stat for 15 sec.

Is too broken to have outside the Maw, while we had this enchant in Classic…

Enchant Weapon - Crusader
Permanently enchant a melee weapon so that often when attacking in melee it heals for 75 to 125 and increases Strength by 100 for 15 sec.


Oh no guys! Bob’s Super Casual Guild might clear Heroic CN now!

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Psh the convenience of having 3 very often used legos in the same slot for me was worth the 5-10 stat loss :stuck_out_tongue:

this especially irks me

now we’ve got the new slot system and they added another M+ system and they are adding some super grindy base gear system and they added a system to covenant bases to try to get more peeps spending anima on them and they are adding a new system for legendaries and a new currency in the maw/korthia and a new system in torghast

this crap just never ends, always a new system for more grind but rarely anything to increase the satisfaction from the gameplay loop


I feel dumb for falling for that one. Of course they weren’t going to frontload all of their systems in at the start; I really should have known better.


I had a feeling that wasn’t going to be case but I expected that to happen with the third patch and not the first patch lol.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

At the beginning, I really liked Ion. He made me think of myself, personality-wise, and I respected the effort he made to be the public face of the game even though that wasn’t what his temperament leaned toward. He sounded like I would try to sound if I was game director, so I empathized with him.

But after years of his leadership, I’m starting to see that, while he talks a good game most of the time, a lot of what he says he values just isn’t reflected in what eventually happens in-game. If you say you want one thing, and something else happens, that is a failure of leadership. He either lacks the vision to know what to do, or the power to make it happen, or both.

So Ion, I appreciate you buddy, but it’s time to go back to raid design and hand the reins to some fresh blood.

I don’t raid anymore , so I won’t see any domination sockets, leaving my legendaries unchallenged. But I sympathize for those who have to shuffle everything around. It’s crappy design when you pour all of this effort into something and then have to scrap it and start over because Blizz couldn’t think even one patch ahead when designing an expansion-long system.


Remember when they were going to provide more communication? lol.


A legendary possibly being invalidated by the first patch for many, many, many players. The first patch which is way overdue. What is going on at BlizZard HQ? When is the fix for the legendary issue going to arrive? Patch 9.2? When is patch 9.2 coming out? January of 2022?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


i called this.

I got this guy to 60 like 2 months ago and have yet to do torghast because i knew something terrible would be happening in 9.1


Good call.

You have seen the future and are set.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Considering this took them 7 months, I’ll be surprised if it’s any sooner.

These devs have done nothing good for the game. They definitely won’t start now. They’ll just continue to lie to the players. Anything to keep people subbed for as long as they can by any means necessary.

This won’t get better until we have new devs.


Honestly, I do think he should go back to raid design. When he talks about raid design, he seems to have genuine enthusiasm; it’s when he talks about the rest of the game that he seems like a robot spouting whatever lie he believes will go over well with the audience. I suspect he’s been promoted beyond both his interest level and his skill level at this point.


My main thought process is the following.

If you are going to ignore legacy evergreen systems like talents, glyphs, to work on new systems be at least consistent. Being consistent means that the new rental systems introduced at launch should be supported, and not toss them under the bus with a new domination system in the first patch lol.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: