"We want to make [...] changes that aren't disruptive."

The PR doesn’t have to make sense, it just needs to sound like they actually give a crap.

imo demo and surv are pretty well designed

outlaw is fun too, though rtb has a bit more potential to be less rng and more rotation-altering

doesnt make up for the other 30 specs though

Where did they say that? Gib source pls

EDIT: nvm found it, I’m not sure what they mean by this, some classes are so fundamentally broken like Affliction Warlocks due to Deathbolt and Darkglare, no one has “found their comfort” in that…

Warrior actually feels good to play in PvE.

So, no class changes.

theres plenty of stuff that feels fine

just because sub is garbage compared to the past doesn’t make it true to all

specs like ele feel fine and could just use damage moved around while adding some totems and stuff back



surv hunter also feels pretty good but in PvP. Heard it was the only spec that players enjoy compared to the others in terms of design and rotation.

I disagree with demo currently being well designed honestly. Unpopular opinion maybe, but I felt like demo’s prime design was in Legion. Never have I felt so enthusiastic to play a warlock spec since Cata and then Legion demo definitely brought back so many rewarding aspects with it. I do dig some of the elements they incorporated with BFA demo like the instant demonbolts, however I feel like if they had included this in Legion’s iteration it would have been the perfect warlock spec to play.

the one thing that turned me off from legion demo was the constant DE spam, just couldnt deal with that, so for me bfa feels a lot smoother, and having a few instants makes playing the spec feel more fluid too

could do with a bit more oomph though, especially when on destro I can do twice the damage with half the effort, I’m pretty sure bfa demo will feel a lot better when properly tuned

Oh look the same thread as the one you created on MMO Champ that got closed by moderators… For everyone else’s sake take your meds please.

Survival feels pretty good to play.

Perhaps there is hope!?

In an interview with German magazing buffed.de, Ion Hazzikostas is quoted saying:

buffed: You want to give the classes more identity. How does that happen?
Hazzikostas: We do not completely turn the classes upside down, but bring back some skills. Legion says we’ve gone too far in some classes and specializations, so gamers have not felt comfortable with the character they’ve been traveling with for years. But we want to fix problems that exist: capabilities that do not work, how they should. Talent series that are way too powerful. A complete overhaul, such as the survival hunter, who suddenly no longer fights from afar, but from near, we do not intend. But there are some specializations that we want to touch. These include, for example, the deception scoundrel, because in recent years he has moved very much in the direction of shadow magic and teleportation, and that no longer corresponds to what one imagines under a WoW villain. We may be more in the direction of control, sneaking, and the image of the PvP archetype.

Or, in the original German:

buffed: Ihr wollt den Klassen mehr Identität verpassen. Wie geschieht das?
Hazzikostas: Wir stellen die Klassen nicht komplett auf den Kopf, sondern bringen einige Skills zurück. In Legion sind wir unserer Meinung bei manchen Klassen und Spezialisierungen zu weit gegangen, sodass sich Spieler nicht mehr mit dem Charakter wohlgefühlt haben, mit dem sie seit Jahren unterwegs sind. Wir wollen aber Probleme beheben, die es gibt: Fähigkeiten, die nicht funktionieren, wie sie sollten. Talentreihen, die viel zu mächtig ausfallen. Eine komplette Überarbeitung wie beispielsweise beim Überleben-Jäger, der plötzlich nicht mehr aus der Ferne, sondern aus der Nähe kämpft haben wir nicht vor. Aber es gibt ein paar Spezialisierungen, die wir anfassen wollen. Dazu zählt beispielsweise der Täuschung-Schurke, weil der sich in den letzten Jahren sehr in Richtung Schattenmagie und Teleportation bewegt hat, und das nicht mehr dem entspricht, was man sich unter einem WoW-Schurken vorstellt. Wir gehen möglicherweise wieder mehr in die Richtung Kontrolle, Schleichen und zum Bild des PvP-Archetypen.

Source: https://www.buffed.de/World-of-Warcraft-Spiel-42971/Specials/Interview-Shadowlands-WoW-Patch-83-1336160/

that translation is hilarious. 2k CR deception scoundrel lf glad push



imgur dot com slash a/GlcO0AV


just as long as they finally nerf assassination deception scoundrels, i’ll be happy

This statement has made me rather cautious,

Like I was hoping to get more holy pally changes like sacrid shield/divine favor back, and a mastery redesgin, instead of our current class design of…

hurpa derp I hOpE hOlY sHoCk CrItS

Blizz is talking out of both sides of their mouth so the normies of GD don’t blow a gasket when they change classes drastically for shadowlands.

I want to believe but …my heart has been broken by blizzard so much. So many late night phone calls and thinking I can change them. They say it will be different this time. This time we got covenants instead of that necklace garbage. I dont know blizz, Im just listening to linkin park and just going to crawl in my skin.



I cannot think of a single class or spec that got better with legion and yet blizz don’t want to change.