We want RDF

At one point, Vanilla was “retail.” What’s your point?

Also, RDF didn’t ruin WoW, a series of terribly designed and written expansions did.

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Sure it did. There’s nothing else that has single-handledly had as large of an impact to the social aspects of playing WoW as Dungeon Finder.

This isn’t a new conversation. This has been talked about to death… can we maybe come up with something constructive and new instead of rehashing the same topics again and again?

In any case, I don’t care if we get Dungeon Finder. But I’m against giving into the people who are incessantly nagging. I think that sets exactly the precedence that leads to what we call Retail.

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Except, you know, human nature.

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Fair point! (on several levels, and definitely something worth keeping in mind)

RDF didn’t lead to anti-social behaviour - it’s always been around. Negativity has always been around. Ninja-looting has always been around.


I don’t know that anyone has claimed that it did. However…

Need I say more?

Well, my perception is that achievements ruined the social aspect of the game. When I played BC, I pugged all of the content except Sunwell. All through Wrath, it was “LFM [insert raid] must have achievement!” This made joining a guild the only logical option. Once I was in my guild, I ran heroics with my guild, I ran raids with my guild, and I socialized with my guild. I had no need to socialize with anyone outside of my guild.

By the time RDF arrived, I just used it to play around leveling some alts when I was bored. RDF did far less to my “social experience” than achievements did. So should we get rid of those too?

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Interestingly enough, there is still the achievement to group up with X number of players via the Dungeon Finder STILL in the game.


And 3 hours later you’ll have a dungeon group.

no surprise, cata killed pug raiding

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Perfect, you guys can keep each other company while assembling your own dungeon groups when they add RDF.

RDF didn’t kill socialization, it’s this games toxic af community.
How about being nice to each other? It’s rare to see kindness on this game.

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Most of the community back then are no longer around it’s a new generation of players now not all but some that played back then aren’t around anymore.

As someone who was around in the community back then, and returned for this version, I can tell you that RDF was a major improvement and a boon to the game at the time and would be again.

Back in the day, unless you had dedicated friends or a guild who would want to run dungeons all day, you were reduced to getting “welfare epics” via PvP (Much like people are doing now) so that you got the GearScore to be accepted into raids. When RDF was introduced, people began grinding dungeons for badges to get proper entry-level raid gear and raiding became a lot better because of it.

RDF turned raiding from a GearScore-determined requirement to a skill-based and knowledge-based requirement. People who didn’t know fights were quickly discovered and blackballed through social means.

Adding RDF to Wrath Classic won’t stop all the “check required before invite” gatekeepers from picking and choosing their raid groups as they do now, it just takes the dungeons out of their hands and places them into the hands of the overall community. Plus it stops all the usual selfish things we see in Heroic Dungeon groups today: Like running Heroic MGT with “shard on reserve” all the time.

RDF won’t stop everyone who doesn’t want it from running dungeons, it won’t stop them from running raids and GDKPs, it just makes one part of the game accessible to more people and giving them more options in how they play instead of keeping it in the hands of toxic gatekeepers like Retail has become.


And I agree with you on some points no doubt on that but do you think classic wrath will have a longer run say what Vanilla Classic and TBC did.

I don’t think Wrath will be around longer as Blizzard is already putting out feelers for Cataclysm Classic. So instead of making a system with longer waits, chat spam, and people trying to do the same gatekeeping crap they do in retail (aka the current LFG system); why not add RDF to streamline one part of the system so that more people (If current data is correct, Wrath is pulling in more people than Vanilla Classic or TBC Classic) can participate and keep up with the accelerated timeline pacing?

I also agree and believe prior to them announcing no RDF if they would have kept it in their numbers player wise would vastly outnumber than if it wasn’t. Good convo we had Blainadin have a good morning.

I’m not playing retail

Ok, thanks for sharing.