We want Ebyssian to be the next Aspect of the Black Dragonflight, Not Wrathion or Sabellian

Honestly, I’m not confidant in either Wrathion or Sebellian being good candidates.

I think we all can agree that Ebyssian is the best man… er, Dragon… Suited to the job.


That’s 100% where the story is heading, it’s not very subtle

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I can agree with you that he’s as exciting as a plank of wood.
The Black Dragon aspect should be a powerful figure, not a peacekeeper.

Concerning the coming Tauren rewards, it might be a difficult choice for Ebonhorn’s attention while working with the Dracthyr and Tauren to be the Aspect. Also continuing to restore the world.

It’s gonna be Emberthal. She fits the modern narrative perfectly.

You want it to be Ebyssian because Blizzard wants it to be Ebyssian and is writing every character except Ebyssian as a complete idiot to justify making it him.

I can’t say that you’re wrong. But I’m holding on to hope that the story won’t be THAT dumb. :grimacing:

But, she’s not a black dragon?

So? Calia isn’t Forsaken but was shoved in by Blizzard as the “most prominent” Forsaken.

Emberthal is where it’s heading. That is flagrantly obvious with 10.1.

I still wish it were Iridikron, though.

Yeah Ebyssian should be the next Aspect but he’s a tauren and Blizzard doesn’t do anything with taurens except get them captured or put them in timeout in Oribos.

Well, that is true for normal Tauren, but maybe someone at Blizzard is going to try something differently with the Highmountain ones, which is what Ebyssian’s visage is.